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Western Railroad Discussion > more oddity shots

Date: 02/03/04 14:19
more oddity shots
Author: FT

Rare mileage. How many of you have ridden this line. I guess it
is called Lewis & Clark Cavern Ry. There IS a train in the shot, you
just have to look close for it. My brother and I had been chasing the
Milwaukee in Jefferson Canyon area of Montana and as there were no trains
lined up for hours, we took a break to ride the little line up to see
the caverns. No idea if it is still there, this was Sept. of 1969.


Date: 02/03/04 14:22
Re: more oddity shots
Author: FT

Here is the "train" that ran the line. I think they told us it was built from a
jeep, the hiway kind.


Date: 02/03/04 14:28
Re: more oddity shots
Author: FT

This isn't as bad as it looks. In october of '85 I was just entering
Tekoa, WA just after sunup and almost went off the road as I came upon
this sight. That is the former Milwaukee Road trestle that a party doll
was hanging from. For a second I thought it was real. Locals said it
wasn't the first time someone had pulled this stunt. A UP branch passed
under the trestle, and now it's gone as well, so Tekoa has no rails .


Date: 02/03/04 15:19
Re: more oddity shots
Author: stanhunter

The website for the Lewis and Clark Caverns says that the train to the caverns was discontinued in 1975 due to safety concerns...looks like you got some rare mileage...

Date: 02/03/04 15:38
Re: more oddity shots
Author: steeplecab

Even rarer mileage would be if you ever rode the vertical tram that took visitors from the end of the train tracks up to the upper cave entrance. It was a single car riding on rails on a perhaps 45° slope and raised and lowered by a mine hoist and cable. The sign on the front of the vertical tram car noted that it was only two screams to the bottom. The vertical tram was removed a few years before the train was. They're both gone now.

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