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Western Railroad Discussion > Weather Contest Entries

Date: 10/17/04 15:37
Weather Contest Entries
Author: NDHolmes

Here's the Antonito local job out of Alamosa, CO, on a very, very cold (at least for Colorado) 11-Jan-2002. I'm thinking it was about -7 at this point, having hit double-digits below zero over night. The air was extremely humid at the time, which lead to everything having a thick coating of frost, as well as this thick, clinging, freezing fog.


Date: 10/17/04 15:40
Re: Weather Contest Entries
Author: eatontm

Did you have your 10d then Nathan? If so how did it perform in those extreme conditions? Awesome shot btw!


Date: 10/17/04 15:49
Re: Weather Contest Entries
Author: NDHolmes

This one's not really so much an entry in the contest, because I don't really think it's that great of a shot, but more a statement on the lunacy of railfans, myself certainly included. This is MRODV, the Roper, UT, to Denver, CO, manifest. On this particular day, 3-Feb-2001, there were five Grande (one repainted SP) tunnel motors on the front. The trip was through near-blizzard conditions from about Idaho Springs through Frasier, about two hours worth of driving on that day. Here the five (plus some NS junk) are at Winter Park, with only a few hundred more yards until they dive into the Moffat.


Date: 10/17/04 15:58
Re: Weather Contest Entries
Author: Grande-Fan

Hey Nathan, very cool stuff.
Let me know if you got my email yesterday.
The other Nathan in Colorado Springs.

Date: 10/17/04 16:41
Re: Weather Contest Entries
Author: NDHolmes

Nathan to Other Nathan - yup, got the email, definitely interested. I'll respond yet tonight, but after 15 hours on the road yesterday, was just shot when I got home. I posted a few things and then dropped dead.

Tyler - At that point, I still had the D30 (but I did notice that I screwed up the date - it was 2002, not 2001, since corrected). I had no problem, but I only took the camera out just long enough to get the shot. After that I tucked it back inside my coat to keep warm. I've never had problems with either the D30 or 10D in cold weather, though. Trick is just to keep them mostly warm, and have a warm battery you can rotate with. I keep a charged spare in the inside pocket of my coat, and rotate the two out if it starts reporting low before its time.


Date: 10/17/04 21:48
Re: Weather Contest Entries
Author: drgw

NDHolmes Wrote:
> Here's the Antonito local job out of Alamosa, CO,
> on a very, very cold (at least for Colorado)
> 11-Jan-2002. I'm thinking it was about -7 at this
> point, having hit double-digits below zero over
> night. The air was extremely humid at the time,
> which lead to everything having a thick coating of
> frost, as well as this thick, clinging, freezing
> fog.
> Nathan
> http://www.drgw.net

When I click on this picture to get the larger version, all I get is the text above (which would normally be displayed just below the picture).
I have not had this problem with any other picture before or since, but this one picture doesn't seem to want to load. Tried reloading, and even tried restarting my browser, and still no-go... Any ideas?

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