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Western Railroad Discussion > sightings on the phoenix sub.

Date: 07/13/05 21:45
sightings on the phoenix sub.
Author: tehachap

I had mentioned before of the Phoenix line returning to service and today I saw a mt auto train parked on the line just east of wellton, any one out their heard anything. BTW I don't think it was just parked out of the way of the sunset as it was a west bound train and it doesn't make sense to me to back it off the sunset to get it outta da way, not alot of west bounds parked between tucson and yuma either.

Date: 07/14/05 19:31
Re: sightings on the phoenix sub.
Author: spdesertdog

Hello, anbody heard anything?

Date: 07/15/05 01:15
Re: sightings on the phoenix sub.
Author: SoPacKid

Haven't heard anyone come rolling through Campo except KK21 and friends. Nuttin' happening out dat way! SPdesertdog...I thought for sure you'd have the latest and greatest news!

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