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Steam & Excursion > C&O 2776

Date: 04/12/07 14:25
C&O 2776
Author: tenthovi

Greetings to all,

Does anybody know what happened to the group around Washington Court House, Ohio that was trying to restore C&O 2776? I remember being up there in the 90's and they were doing mainly comestic work to stabalize the engine for the time being. Now I have talked with several people and they haven't heard a word from that group. So I am guessing they folded. I know every piece of info I have found on them is defunct or no longer accurate. I was just curious if any body knows what is going on. Any info is apperciated.


Chris Edwards
Batavia & Ohio Railway Services

Date: 04/12/07 17:54
Re: C&O 2776
Author: railfan4449

Wow, I didn't know Ohio had another C&O Berkshire ! Cool !
here's a photo I found taken in 2006,

Date: 04/12/07 18:14
Re: C&O 2776
Author: ZachMarlow

I have a quite a few photos of the 2776 that I took last December, gimme a day or two and I will get them posted on here

Date: 04/13/07 05:33
Re: C&O 2776
Author: doubleheader

I believe Fred Hesdoerfer was involved with that group at one time, so you might contact him. Wasn't this the engine that Cincinnati turned down?
Greg Scholl

PS Hard to believe its been 14 years since 765 as C&O 2765 operated on excursions(1993). I guess 1994 was the end of "the good old days" as related to mainline steam excursions. We were spoiled back then!

Date: 04/13/07 06:55
Re: C&O 2776
Author: Guitarman

doubleheader Wrote:
> Chris,
> I believe Fred Hesdoerfer was involved with that
> group at one time, so you might contact him.
> Wasn't this the engine that Cincinnati turned
> down?
> Greg Scholl
> PS Hard to believe its been 14 years since 765 as
> C&O 2765 operated on excursions(1993). I guess
> 1994 was the end of "the good old days" as related
> to mainline steam excursions. We were spoiled
> back then!

Absolutely, we were spoiled and unfortunately, there does not seem to be anything coming our way here in the East right now due to neither CSX or NSC wanting to operate any steam excursions.

Date: 04/14/07 22:16
Re: C&O 2776
Author: NRE973

NEWS RELEASE!!!! #2776 TO RUN!!!!!
AFT Steam Locomotive #2776, "America's Deci-centennial Queen".............the locomotive will be rebuilt by Doyle McCormick and his crew of past AFT fame...........................will pull a Freedom Train celebrating America's one thousand years of history..............being promoted by Ross Rowland, creator of the second American Freedom Train several centuries ago.

Date: 04/18/07 10:52
Re: C&O 2776
Author: davew833

You're a little late for April Fool's Day...

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