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Steam & Excursion > Chasing 425

Date: 09/05/14 13:15
Chasing 425
Author: m1bprr

Labor day, myself, and a friend along with her pup chased the R&N 425, although a brief chase this was her first chase, her pup was one of the most well behaved dogs I've ever had ride with me, she enjoyed the chase, she is an accomplished photographer, the photo of 425 is an example of her work.
Ed K. cp Laurel Run

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Date: 09/06/14 06:46
Re: Chasing 425
Author: Tominde

Nice work as usual Ed. I sure do appreciate your efforts and glad that you share for those of us who could not be there.

425 looks like it easily handled the train, moving smartly and accelerating with ease. Guessing about 300 tons???? Nice firing. Clean stack. Are they mixing in some anthracite????

Date: 09/06/14 08:14
Re: Chasing 425
Author: m1bprr

Tominde Wrote:
> Nice work as usual Ed. I sure do appreciate
> your efforts and glad that you share for those of
> us who could not be there.
> 425 looks like it easily handled the train, moving
> smartly and accelerating with ease. Guessing
> about 300 tons???? Nice firing. Clean stack.
> Are they mixing in some anthracite????

I couldn't say Tom
Ed K.

Date: 09/06/14 08:22
Re: Chasing 425
Author: AcDC9902

Tominde Wrote:
> Nice work as usual Ed. I sure do appreciate
> your efforts and glad that you share for those of
> us who could not be there.
> 425 looks like it easily handled the train, moving
> smartly and accelerating with ease. Guessing
> about 300 tons???? Nice firing. Clean stack.
> Are they mixing in some anthracite????

No way!

Posted from iPhone

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