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Steam & Excursion > ChessieSystem 2101

Date: 01/06/22 15:55
ChessieSystem 2101
Author: refarkas

Chessie System 2101 with the Chessie Steam Special is starting after having stopped outside Willard, Ohio on July 2, 1977.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/22 04:39 by refarkas.

Date: 01/06/22 20:32
Re: ChessieSystem 2101
Author: krm152

Excellent scene.  The fans in the distance add a dimension.
Thanks for a great look back.

Date: 01/06/22 21:00
Re: ChessieSystem 2101
Author: wabash2800

Thanks for sharing. That looks great. It's what the late Dick Yager called "the circus train". He didn't like that paint scheme on a steam locomotive. But many of us enjoyed the train and the rare mileage it afforded. And it did get the public's attention. I rode from Chicago to Garrett, Indiana and back, Chicago to Peru, Indiana an back, and from Chicago the Hartford, Michigan and back.

I know I have told this story before, but maybe some of you haven't heard it and will enjoy hearing it: One day I was riding the Chessie Steam Special somewhere in Northwest Indiana. Anyway, along with the spectators trackside was a man and his young toddler son. The people trackside waived to us,  but all of a sudden the toddler turned his back to the train and dropped his pants (yes, bare butt)! The father promptly pulled his son's pants up and spanked him. You could tell the father was really embarrassed. LOL Perhaps the toddlers reaction was something based on his fear or displeasure of the locomotive?  I don't think the little boy was old enough to know what mooning was.

In another instance when I was on board Little River Railroad No. 110, another man and his toddler son visited the cab. The fireman opened the firebox door with the hot flame inside. The little boy took one look inside and whaled!


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/22 21:10 by wabash2800.

Date: 01/07/22 00:24
Re: ChessieSystem 2101
Author: train544

Hi Bob
Great scene and picture you have there
Nicely done
Excellant job at Willard Ohio
Tom Boylan

Date: 01/07/22 00:55
Re: ChessieSystem 2101
Author: Railfan4Christ

Wow, what a great memory, thanks for sharing with us. Congratulations on the IOTD!


Date: 01/07/22 01:13
Re: ChessieSystem 2101
Author: ClubCar

refarkas Wrote:
> Chessie System 2101 with the Chessie Steam Special
> is stopped outside Willard, Ohio on July 2, 1977.
> Bob
Thanks Bob, that is the perfect photo of a great locomotive that Ross and his crew provided us with many enjoyable moments.  Thanks to the Chessie System and Mr. William Howes, Jr., V.P. Casualty Prevention for his dedication in helping to make the trips possible.  Those were great times.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 01/07/22 04:17
Re: ChessieSystem 2101
Author: gcm

Beautiful shot of the 2101.
Congrats on IOTD !

Date: 01/07/22 07:25
Re: ChessieSystem 2101
Author: kennbritt

In the fall of 1978 I was on the Chicago to St. Joe trip. I was in the open baggage car with my head out. The stack of the 2101 at sixty plus mph sounded like a jet taking off. Suddenly a small rock/large cinder hit me on my lip. The impact was enough that I had blood running down my chin. What a moment, it was awesome! 

Kennard Britton
Bedford, TX


Date: 01/07/22 10:04
Re: ChessieSystem 2101
Author: randyr

Thanks for posting, one of the best pics I have seen of this locomotive. I have it in HO Scale and my oldest grandson loves to run it. I already texted him a copy of this photo for reference. Thanks for taking the time to post such a great photo!

Randy in PHX

Date: 01/07/22 13:53
Re: ChessieSystem 2101
Author: chakk

saw it stopped at Relay, MD.

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