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Steam & Excursion > Mike Eagleson Death

Date: 01/07/22 08:33
Mike Eagleson Death
Author: steamcentral

Friends of mine have informed me that on the afternoon of Thursday, January 6, 2022, Michael A. Eagleson (KEYSTONE1) passed-away due to complications from having been infected with COVID-19."
Randy Scholl


Date: 01/07/22 09:01
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: wabash2800

Sorry to hear about that. There are others here that have died from Covid or complications from Covid, but it was not reported publicly as such for whatever reason.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/22 12:38 by wabash2800.

Date: 01/07/22 09:08
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: Ardenwood

My deepfelt codolences to Mike's family and friends.
He does a bit of dancing in the beginning of Goodheart's Russian vidio.
 Haruo Aoki

Date: 01/07/22 09:18
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: wcamp1472


That's SO unexpected...
I  barely knew Mike, but I realized that his train photography was
filled with imaginative shots, varied lighting and he travelled far and wide
to capture steam in action, and around the globe.

He constantly strived to find photo situations that replicated scenes from 
40 to 50 years earlier.  He berated variances in Loco appearances,
from the 'way it used to be'...

However, his dedication and skill at  photography was 'top drawer'.  
I believe he was a side-kick to Victor Hand ( and his step ladder) and other well-known
loco photogs from the 60s and 70s...

He chased every HICO trip we ran...day & night..

I'm still astounded and saddened at this sad news. 
Now, he's gone to that Steam Main Line in the Sky... where thundering locos are
filling his views and making him smile!

His extrensive photographic  collection NEEDS TO BE PRESERVED, and not lost...

RIP, Mike.

Wes Camp

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/22 18:17 by wcamp1472.

Date: 01/07/22 10:15
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: nycman

Sorry to hear that news. Is it possible to contact his wife Florence on the internet to express our condolences?

Date: 01/07/22 11:08
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: bigsavage

For the last 10 years of Railroad Magazine's existence, this column was in every issue.
For better or worse, this was one way info was passed on in the pre-internet years.
R.I.P. Sir...

Date: 01/07/22 11:18
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: raytc1944

Very sad news.  I knew him in the 1960s.  We were both members of the (now defunct) New York Division of the Railroad Enthusiasts.  A really nice guy.

Date: 01/07/22 11:24
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: PHall

wabash2800 Wrote:
> Sorry to hear about that. There are others here
> that have died from Covid or complications from
> Covid but it was not reported publicly as such for
> whatever reason.
> Victor

Most likely because they didn't want to start yet another political furball.

Date: 01/07/22 11:29
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: steamfan759

I am very sorry to receive this news.  I used to look forward to Mike's column in the old Railroad Magazine!  Wes is right about Mike making suggestions to change a locomotive appearance.  I remember cleaning up the Reading 2102 years ago at Lebanon, NJ.  Mike came by and made some suggestions about changing the headlight.  My brother and I just kept working and paid no attention.  We already knew that it was normally his mode of operation.  I have really enjoyed his photos over the years along with Karl Zimmerman who I have become friendly with later in life.  RIP - Mike!


Date: 01/07/22 12:17
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: gregscholl

I knew Mike Eagleson, and knew he was Keystone1 on this board.  He would sometimes get under the skin of some with his comments about authentic looking trains and locomotives.  Thats because he cared a lot, and remember how they were and wanted some historical accuracy.  I am glad someone showed his column.  My brother and I were younger than Mike, but looked forward to his columns each issue of the magazine.  His mention, and photographs of places like France, Germany, Africa, South America and others got us to thinking about those lands where one could witness regular service mainline steam on a daily basis, much like it was here in the 1950's.  I was too young to have a good camera during the end of US steam and all we had was excursion steam ops for the most part.  His articles got us off our duffs and make a trip to Europe in 1972.  We were college kids and had little money, but pulled off a month trip for 3 of us, and my cost was $500.00 including Icelandic Airways($168).  I have shown some of my photos on this board in the past.  The 1972 trip turned into 2 more trips in 1974 and 1975, and eventually a couple of trips to South Africa.  That place was a steam mecca.  Mike E had been going to those places probably 5-10 years before we did, and we remember seeing pictures of steam in the Mosselle River passing castles and such.  These were in the late 60's and he was able to witness that good stuff.
I did a couple of steam charters, and Mike was on those as well.  I last saw him in 2016 near Blue Ridge summit as we waited for the return of 611 from Lynchburg to Roanoke that May.  He still had his trusty 16mm film camera for movies.  Mike was also instrumental in getting CPR 4-6-4 number 2839 to the US from Toronto, and subsequently his group restored it and leased it to the Southern Steam Program for 1979 and 1980.  He was a preservationist with that engine, as well as preserving history in his photography and as an author of not only articles but several books on steam.  He was also a nice guy, and was always a steam fan through and through.
Greg Scholl

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/22 12:19 by gregscholl.

Date: 01/07/22 13:01
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: steamcentral

Mike was instrumental in stoking our interest in steam with his columns in Railroad Magazine. Foreign steam was sneered at after the demise of the big steam shows in North America but Freeman Hubbard the editor was gracious enough to publish full length “foreign steam” photo articles by Mike.  I remember particularly the articles, circa 1970 on Germany & France (USA built 141s) which were filled with great photos of hard working steam and showed roundhouses full of steam. That solidified the need to go overseas for regular service steam and led to 15+ adventurous trips In Search of Steam. It just shows you that never know how the things you do will influence someone. Thanks Mike.
Randy Scholl

Date: 01/07/22 13:21
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: ironmtn

This is sad news, and my condolences to his family and friends.

I only met Mike once, at some event, perhaps a very memorable East Broad Top winter spectacular that I attended. Wherever it was, he was friendly and pleasant, and knowing of his work I was impressed to be meeting him. I have always had high regard for his still photography, but I don't recall ever having seen his motion picture work. I feel sure that the film is quite good too. With others, I hope that his work will be preserved in an appropriate archive. I did not know that he was Keystone1 here on Trainorders. Yes, in that role he had some sharp opinions. But now, with some context, they take on a different character. He was indeed known throughout the hobby as a very dedicated and committed preservationist.

Our thanks, appreciation and prayers are with you, Mike. May you rest in God's peace.


Date: 01/07/22 13:29
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: robj

Didn't know him  but seeing the article I remember.  I kinda like the old Railroad articles and actually the magazine.
Seems a little "crude" now but I kept a handful of issues and they are a neat look backi.


Date: 01/07/22 15:46
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: Waybiller

I didn't know that Mike Eagleson was KEYSTONE1 on here, but always enjoyed his "In Search of Steam" in Railroad.  By the time I could read, his columns were usually about far off exotic places and were, in part, responsible for my travel bug.

Date: 01/08/22 05:45
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: SR2

May you rest in peace, Mike, and may Perpetual Light shine upon you.
Covid is real, I have lost six friends in the last ten days to the virus
or complications involving it.  Please stay healthy!

Date: 01/08/22 11:33
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: CPR_4000

Sad news. I wonder if he got to see 1309 in action?

I hope Mike had made arrangements for his photo collection. If not, I'm sure his close friend Tom Kelcec will step in to help.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/09/22 03:33 by CPR_4000.

Date: 01/09/22 04:06
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: Wolfman

I believe Mike Eagleson and my father where whole heartly responsible for getting me into steam as a young boy . When my father's Railroad Magazine would come in the mail I would steal it and look for Mike's  column  In Search of Steam !  Loved reading about all the old engines that had a second chance at life ! Rest In Peace Mike !  Your a legend in my book !

Date: 01/09/22 16:32
Re: Mike Eagleson Death
Author: Mgoldman

This is indeed very sad news....

Mike was an all around great guy.  I first met Mike, along with his wife (of course), chasing steam close to home, in eastern Pennsylvania and the surrounding states of New Jersey, Delaware, New York and Maryland.  Florence would always be by his side, always with a beautiful smile.  I believe Mike was from upstate New York, or perhaps North Jersey.  If you were chasing an event in those areas, you'd likely have ran into both Mike and his wife.  When there were no events, Mike would often find his way to one of the "local" tourist steam operations.

Like Greg and others, I too knew Mike was "Keystone" here on TO's.  It was a Jeckel and Hide thing at times but trust me - no matter what you knew about "Keystone", you didn't know Mike until you met him in person.  One of the friendliest people I've ever met, and among the most knowledgable - and he'd gladly share that knowledge with you.  And I'll concur with Greg above; he cared a lot, remembered how things were, and was looking for as much historical accuracy as possible. 

I have one of Mike's books and didn't even know, initially, it was one of his.  That book is "Motive Power of the New Jersey Central" from 1978.  Mike was a big CNJ guy, and of course was there to see CNJ 0-6-0 No. 113 make its debut.  He co-authored "The Twilight of World Steam" with Ron Ziel, along with "Southern Steam Specials", and authored "Steam on the Antracite Roads".  I beleive there are others, along with his columns in Railroad Magazine which I was not aware of.

Here's a shot of Mike taken in 2013 (how is that 8 years ago, already?) - captured on a R&N No. 425 chase:

My sincere condolences to his friends and family...


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