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Steam & Excursion > The 1936 Rexall Train: The first train to operate in every stateDate: 09/14/22 18:55 The 1936 Rexall Train: The first train to operate in every state Author: AFTX I have a website about the two Freedom Trains (freedomtrain.org) and one about various other 'themed' trains (themetrains.com).
Until recently it looked like the 1936 Rexall Train had missed the state of Nevada on its tour, making the 1947 Freedom Train the first trainset to operate in all (of the then) 48 states. Now, thanks to some great newspaper-of-the-day research by Brad Knapp, prompted in part by researcher Frank Sternad, it's clear the 1936 Rexall Train did operate in Nevada after getting (re)routed through Reno on its way to Oregon due to a northern California tunnel fire on the SP in May 1936. Much more on that here: 1936 Rexall Train Timeline As a fan of the 1947 Freedom Train, I hate to see it lose one of its crowns, but its Pullman observation car CENTRAL PLAINS is still king in the 'state count': 49, adding Alaska in 2000. 1947 Freedom Train Pullman CENTRAL PLAINS Also, 1947 Freedom Train Pullman car Glen Fee is looking sharp these days in Galveston: 1947 Freedom Train Pullman GLEN FEE in 2022 Todd Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/22 18:56 by AFTX. |