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Steam & Excursion > MILW steam double header ... 'semi' rescued negative

Date: 03/07/23 08:25
MILW steam double header ... 'semi' rescued negative
Author: valmont

Figured the subject was good enough even if the 'rescue' (pic 2) wasn't ...

Date: 03/07/23 09:38
Re: MILW steam double header ... 'semi' rescued negative
Author: ironmtn

Great image. Thanks for the "rescue" effort. It's so good to see an image like this, even if the quality is not the best.


Date: 03/07/23 12:04
Re: MILW steam double header ... 'semi' rescued negative
Author: refarkas

Considering the original - First-class rescue.

Date: 03/07/23 15:03
Re: MILW steam double header ... 'semi' rescued negative
Author: Frisco1522

Once again, like the cab forward photo I spent a few minutes playing with it while dinner cooked.  This one needed more help than I could give it due to focus around the second engine.

Date: 03/07/23 15:10
Re: MILW steam double header ... 'semi' rescued negative
Author: valmont

I'll vote for your two!!!

Date: 03/08/23 02:14
Re: MILW steam double header ... 'semi' rescued negative
Author: coach

I like how the MILW hung their bells on the smokebox face, fireman's side.  Very unique.

Date: 03/13/23 11:09
Re: MILW steam double header ... 'semi' rescued negative
Author: hawkinsun

Definitely worth saving since we'll never get a repeat.  I wonder where this photo was taken ?  Illinois, Wisconsin, or Iowa I suppose.  It's pretty flat but double track.  I like the lead "Mike" with the offset bell.  The Milwaukee probably offset it to accomodate a red emergency light like the S2 Northern following it.  Some L-3 class had them and. some apparently never could afford them.  The addition of the six wheel trucked large tender on the "Mike" was probably repurposed from a scrapped 2-6-6-2 from out west, although they would have to be converted from oil to coal, for a short few years of use. Thanks for your effort.   Craig Hanson {hawkinsun}

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