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Steam & Excursion > Steam - Ed fan club

Date: 03/08/23 17:09
Steam - Ed fan club
Author: cozephyr

Ed will pay for airfare for anyone who would like to come have a friendly debate/conversation with him about any steam subject past or present. Hotwater/Realist pool chemical nonsense welcome.  Come out and meet your friends in person.  Photos and/or documents welcome to support their positions. 

Please have them call Ed at 307-214-3547.  Reposted with webmaster approval.

Date: 03/08/23 17:29
Re: Steam - Ed fan club
Author: webmaster

This morning I woke up to email messages to our support email account and private messages to me from our members asking for this posting to be deleted.  I honestly thought it was a cruel joke as did many of our members. Quite frankly I am tired of anything critical of the UP steam program and I just wish all this controversy would just go away.  A few hours later my phone rang and it was none other than Ed Dickens complaining that we should have never removed the thread with his phone number.  He welcomes this conversation.  He went on to complain to me how vicious our membership has been  to him over the years and that I have done him a great disservice by not removing the many many negative posts about him. I have talked to Ed a number of times over the years and heard these same complaints, but today was the most pissed off I have heard him.  For the record we don’t actively moderate postings on the steam forum unless we receive complaints.  Ed’s cell phone number is posted fully at his request.    Hotwater, he really wants to talk to you more than anyone.

For sanity, we locked this thread to further comment.

Todd Clark
Canyon Country, CA

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