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Steam & Excursion > Thrilled!

Date: 03/13/23 08:05
Author: espee4ever

The occasion was something other than railroading, I was in town for different commitments. On the morning of May 21st, 2022 I had just enough time for a walk with a fresh cup of coffee along the Animas River. Knowing there was a morning train to Silverton, I took my camera along with me, and I’m sure glad I did. I got what I wanted of the engine and train, but as the fourth car approached I noticed the excitement of a little guy hanging out, standing on his tip-toes, and I couldn’t help but wonder how it must feel to be a young railfan again. This sent me off with a smile and a warm heart knowing another generation is on the way.

Date: 03/13/23 11:59
Re: Thrilled!
Author: asheldrake

yes, kids should be our focus......they are GREAT rail fans     Arlen

Date: 03/13/23 12:33
Re: Thrilled!
Author: DRGWMark

Made many trips on the Durango & Silverton when I was around that age. The rest of my family aren't railfans, but they loved this particular train so they never complained... even if we always got caked in cinders!

Date: 03/13/23 16:45
Re: Thrilled!
Author: MacBeau

One of those magic moments of childhood that are with us the rest of our days. Nice image and caption.

Date: 03/14/23 10:55
Re: Thrilled!
Author: Lightning_Slinger

My parents took me on the Silverton Branch the first time in 1954.

espee4ever Wrote:
> The occasion was something other than railroading,
> I was in town for different commitments. On the
> morning of May 21st, 2022 I had just enough time
> for a walk with a fresh cup of coffee along the
> Animas River. Knowing there was a morning train to
> Silverton, I took my camera along with me, and
> I’m sure glad I did. I got what I wanted of the
> engine and train, but as the fourth car approached
> I noticed the excitement of a little guy hanging
> out, standing on his tip-toes, and I couldn’t
> help but wonder how it must feel to be a young
> railfan again. This sent me off with a smile and a
> warm heart knowing another generation is on the
> way.
> —Michael

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