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Steam & Excursion > Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June

Date: 05/19/23 19:35
Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June
Author: Tominde

I'm an Eastern Boy and I've never seen a Big Boy running.  Flying from the East Coast, where is the best place to go to, rent a car and perhaps do a small chase on it's way to or from Omaha?

I am well aware that a diesel is behind it, perhaps pushing it along.  I've read all of those threads.  And my popcorn popper is in for a 1472 day overhaul.  Just looking for travel advice.  I may consider Amtrak instead of flyingn but I would like a high percentage of arriving to see 4014.  

Date: 05/19/23 20:53
Re: Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June
Author: callum_out

Omaha has a very good airport with lots of Soutwest flights. The chase from North Platte East will no dount be crowdedb
but driving out there you'll get a real good idea of some spots to shoot. Even Fremont to Omaha close in has some
decent oportunities. If you're really up on seeing it, rent a car and explore a bit.


Date: 05/20/23 00:46
Re: Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June
Author: cchan006

Tominde Wrote:
> I am well aware that a diesel is behind it,
> perhaps pushing it along.  I've read all of those
> threads. 

4014 ran better on its second trip to SoCal/Arizona, and I posted videos to support my claim. So go out and see it. It's been 4 years, and the crew seems more comfortable with it than before.

> I may consider Amtrak instead of flyingn but I
> would like a high percentage of arriving to see
> 4014. 

You answered your own question. No need to have the TO clown committee to give you advice on this one. Fly there, take Amtrak back, for example. 

I've done scouting trips before a big event, and when I couldn't, I studied maps in detail. The tools are so much better than 10+ years ago, you should be doing the same now, giving you plenty of time to find spots on your own, in addition to any advice given here. Keep in mind that many of the locations in my video were found on the first try.

Date: 05/20/23 06:35
Re: Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June
Author: x9000

It'll be in my backyard when it comes up the Yoder and Gering subs.  Already plan to take the afternoon off to get photos.

Date: 05/20/23 06:44
Re: Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June
Author: tolland

The area between Albin and LaGrange is somewhat scenic. Lots of curves and the Albin-Tremain tunnel are the highlights. 

Date: 05/20/23 10:59
Re: Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June
Author: Lightning_Slinger

If you are lucky you won't see the back of 500 heads and 10,000 cars, and the highway patrol roadblocks...

Tominde Wrote:
> I'm an Eastern Boy and I've never seen a Big Boy
> running.  Flying from the East Coast, where is
> the best place to go to, rent a car and perhaps do
> a small chase on it's way to or from Omaha?
> I am well aware that a diesel is behind it,
> perhaps pushing it along.  I've read all of those
> threads.  And my popcorn popper is in for a 1472
> day overhaul.  Just looking for travel advice. 
> I may consider Amtrak instead of flyingn but I
> would like a high percentage of arriving to see
> 4014.  

Date: 05/20/23 12:37
Re: Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June
Author: x9000

I believe that the Yoder sub is dark territory until they get to South Morrel.  Not much radio traffic. 

Date: 05/20/23 12:48
Re: Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June
Author: dan

Lightning_Slinger Wrote:
> If you are lucky you won't see the back of 500
> heads and 10,000 cars, and the highway patrol
> roadblocks...

you think western nebraska does not want tourists?        nothing could be farther from the truth

Date: 05/21/23 00:03
Re: Best Place to see 4014 in Action in June
Author: Odyssey

Be sure to take a detailed look at the current published schedule.  There are several days of "display"  or no access that could complicate a travel schedule.  Most of the time in Omaha and Council Bluffs will not provide opportunities to see the 4014 in motion, either because the 4014 will be parked near the Omaha Baseball Stadium or within the UP yard in Council Bluffs. 

If you want to chase the  4014 on June 7; Cheyenne to GeringNE, the road grid is not very good for easy access to sites and the tracks rarely come close to any kind of road that would allow pacing.  It'll be difficult to hit more than a couple of potential photo locations.  The curvy areas mentioned near the Albin Tunnel have virtually no road access.  Most of the "main" roads are 2-lane paved roads and/or decent gravel county roads, but it ain't like chasin' on US 30 with the option to bypass/leapfrog crowds by using I-80.  Look at the "lay of the land" with Google Earth or Google maps.

June 8 will be somewhat easier to chase on the run from Gering to North Platte.  The tracks do parallel the road net more frequently, but there still will be challenges.  I suspect there won't be a huge number of chasers just because the area is not on a significant travel path like I-80 or US-30 is, plus the actual event is only about 2.5 weeks away ... doesn't give a lot time to schedule travel, etc

One other tidbit ... I attended the UP Steam Shop Open House today(5/20) in Cheyenne as part of the Cheyenne Depot Days celebration.  Attendance was OK, but not like other steam shop events back before the Covid adventure.  For anyone in the neighborhood, the Steam Shop and Roundhouse in Cheyenne will be open tomorrow 5/21 as well ...

Evergreen, CO


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