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Steam & Excursion > D&H RPO/Baggage at Cass

Date: 05/23/23 13:45
D&H RPO/Baggage at Cass
Author: aehouse

Delaware and Hudson RPO/baggage car 706 is in use on the new Greenbrier Express running between Cass and Durbin, W.V.
The RPO section contains a generator for car lighting; the baggage area has gated open doors for passenger viewing.
The car was one of a series of 12 similar cars (700-711) rostered by the D&H. Cass operator Durbin and Greenbrier Valley has a second car of this series not in current excursion use.

Art House

Date: 05/23/23 14:52
Re: D&H RPO/Baggage at Cass
Author: boejoe

When I saw yesterday's post at Cass, the RPO looked like ex-D&H.  Good guess on my part.  I also thought the other equipment in the background deserved more attention - that it received today.  Thanks Art.

Date: 05/24/23 14:52
Re: D&H RPO/Baggage at Cass
Author: march_hare

Is there another one of these preserved at Cooperstown?

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