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Steam & Excursion > West Virginia Northern Railroad

Date: 05/26/23 05:26
West Virginia Northern Railroad
Author: P

While going through some old forgotten files, I found this brochure.  I never rode it, but collected the brochure somewhere.  

Wikipidea says it operated from 1994-1999 and the tracks are now gone.  It also mentions plans for a bike path.  Has that transpired?

Does anyone here have any stories/photos they can share of this operation?

Date: 05/28/23 09:39
Re: West Virginia Northern Railroad
Author: Cumberland

Tom Rogers, the producer and vidiographer, created his production of the West End: Part 5 of the Old Main Line. As a part of it, he included a segment, specificly about the line, using footage taken from the Western Maryland RHS 1997(???) of their annual Convention. Subsequently, me as a young child and my family are present in some of its clips.


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