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Steam & Excursion > N&W 611 to Roanoke

Date: 05/31/23 11:38
N&W 611 to Roanoke
Author: boejoe

Two developments today:
Just before noon Wednesday 5/31 the J was seen on Amtrak's e/b track at Leaman Place as though it was preparing for a westward move toward Lancaster and/or Enola.
I saw a report on a FB group page that it was due in Roanoke by Friday, June 2 
Anyone have other information, schedule, etc?

Date: 05/31/23 13:01
Re: N&W 611 to Roanoke
Author: cjvrr

Saw on FB that it is moving on the rear of a special move.   No idea on schedule.

Date: 05/31/23 14:03
Re: N&W 611 to Roanoke
Author: bigsavage

Had you been watching the Virtual Rail cams, and checking heritage units, you would have seen that 611 left the Strasburg shop shortly after 9a.m., was picked up by a NS EMD about 11:45 a.m., and arrived Enola yard about 15:00.
Due to leave Enola tomorrow at 8a.m., and will run NS Lurgan line to Hagerstown.
Let the circus commence...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/23 14:03 by bigsavage.

Date: 05/31/23 18:50
Re: N&W 611 to Roanoke
Author: holiwood

Be looking for it at Front Royal maybe futher north

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