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Steam & Excursion > T&P 610 on the N&W

Date: 06/03/23 11:33
T&P 610 on the N&W
Author: gcm

Sept 77
610 along with Southern 4501 Between Roanoke and Lynchburg,Va.


Date: 06/03/23 13:28
Re: T&P 610 on the N&W
Author: jkh2cpu

Nice shot! What's the second engine?

Date: 06/03/23 13:36
Re: T&P 610 on the N&W
Author: wcamp1472

" ...along with Southern 4501..."

The wording is right in front of you!



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/23 13:36 by wcamp1472.

Date: 06/03/23 14:07
Re: T&P 610 on the N&W
Author: Notch7

That is a beautiful shot.  I hate I never got to see that big engine.  Late that same month I missed seeing the 610 at Salisbury NC by a few hours.  That day the 610 went north, the 4501 went west, and the chief dispatcher doubled me back south that afternoon on the little 630.  Three steam engines departing Salisbury in three directions in one day.  Those were days.

Date: 06/03/23 14:31
Re: T&P 610 on the N&W
Author: refarkas

Superb image!!!

Date: 06/03/23 16:43
Re: T&P 610 on the N&W
Author: krm152

Definitely Awesome!

Date: 06/03/23 18:11
Re: T&P 610 on the N&W
Author: UP951West

A four star slide !  Thanks for sharing, Gary. 

Date: 06/03/23 19:45
Re: T&P 610 on the N&W
Author: Jimbo

Right after the 1977 NRHS Convention in Roanoke.

Date: 06/03/23 20:47
Re: T&P 610 on the N&W
Author: jgilmore

Terrific image!


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