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Steam & Excursion > Cass Scenic Railroad Shay #5 smoking it up.

Date: 09/08/23 20:15
Cass Scenic Railroad Shay #5 smoking it up.
Author: ken

Cass Scenic Railroad Shay #5 heading for the yard after taking on water.

Date: 09/08/23 23:12
Re: Cass Scenic Railroad Shay #5 smoking it up.
Author: refarkas

Cough! Cough! - First-class catch.

Date: 09/08/23 23:42
Re: Cass Scenic Railroad Shay #5 smoking it up.
Author: wcamp1472

Extra-Credit Questions:

What's the most predictable sign of a cold firebed?
What's first requirement needed to 'oxidize' carbon, as a fuel?
Does adding lots of fresh fuel raise or lower the firebed temperature?
How long will coal last on coal grate?



Date: 09/09/23 12:21
Re: Cass Scenic Railroad Shay #5 smoking it up.
Author: zoohogger

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> Extra-Credit Questions:
> What's the most predictable sign of a cold
> firebed?   Smoke
> What's first requirement needed to 'oxidize'
> carbon, as a fuel?  Air(oxygen)
> Does adding lots of fresh fuel raise or lower the
> firebed temperature? Lower
> How long will coal last on coal grate? 10 minutes
> ​W.

I've added the guesses of an oil burner fireman. 

Sure seems that Cass has some of the smokiest coal burners that I've seen.

Rick Z

Date: 09/09/23 17:09
Re: Cass Scenic Railroad Shay #5 smoking it up.
Author: Earlk

Standard Operating Procedure at Cass.  During my brief time there I was told numerous times that a fireman was doing a good job when he made lots of smoke and lifted the safety valve regularly.  No amount of lecturing or example setting could change that.  I gave up.

Date: 09/09/23 17:55
Re: Cass Scenic Railroad Shay #5 smoking it up.
Author: wcamp1472

I've heard similar reports from several sources..
Thats a shame.

When I was running the RDG 2102, under Benson's ownership,
Jim Reap(?) mech. Dept . leader at Cass, died suddenly,
I  was offered the job...
But, I was committed to 2102 & Benson, and declined..

I'm not sure I'm intrigued with Shay maintenance..
I don't think I would have made a good fit..

I was also sought by the Cumbres & Toltec..back in the day...
decades ago.

Bruce Sterzing offered me a job on the D&H --- just before 
CR was established..  
Very glad that I said YES!

I've met and been coached by some of finest railroaders
during an exciting era.. They taught me so much about the 
machines and about 'people'... Wonderful mentors.

Date: 09/10/23 17:53
Re: Cass Scenic Railroad Shay #5 smoking it up.
Author: Appalachianrails

There's a lot more about why things are the way they are here with the moves after this picture was taken but I guess some have it all figured out regardless.

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