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Steam & Excursion > Chico has a good poker hand

Date: 09/09/23 07:17
Chico has a good poker hand
Author: WrongWayMurphy

Four aces is a good hand, but the overbite is not a good look, in my opinion.

Fort Madison, Iowa. May 1938. 

A Baldwin product from 1902

HK Vollrath collection

Date: 09/09/23 08:03
Re: Chico has a good poker hand
Author: wcamp1472

Somebody has been robbing pieces off of the valve gear?
And the main rod is gone, replaced with blocks on the crankpin.
What RR?



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/23 08:05 by wcamp1472.

Date: 09/09/23 08:51
Re: Chico has a good poker hand
Author: LocoPilot750

1111's bell.

Date: 09/09/23 08:53
Re: Chico has a good poker hand
Author: kurtarmbruster

Crikey, what a crate, a Katzenjammer for sure! Thanks for sharing.

Date: 09/09/23 08:56
Re: Chico has a good poker hand
Author: elueck

Thanks for the photo of the bell.  This confirms what I suspected looking at the crosshead and guides, that the engine was built as a compound.

Date: 09/09/23 16:24
Re: Chico has a good poker hand
Author: Frisco1522

Probably either awaiting shop time at Ft. Madison or scrapping.  A real Dog's breakfast of an engine.

Date: 09/10/23 13:41
Re: Chico has a good poker hand
Author: Evan_Werkema

Santa Fe 1111's final out-of-service date was February 9, 1952 at Cleburne, TX, so in 1938 it still had a future to look forward to.  Cleburne is oil country, so among other things, it was eventually converted to an oil burner.  The engine was built in 1902 as a 4-cylinder Vauclain compound and was simpled at Topeka in 1914.  It didn't go to scrap until 1955.

Date: 09/10/23 18:09
Re: Chico has a good poker hand
Author: sf1010

Here is another "Four Aces."


I find this one much more handsome.

Date: 09/11/23 06:38
Re: Chico has a good poker hand
Author: njmidland

And the UP even came up with a guide to a good poker hand!

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