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Steam & Excursion > Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend

Date: 09/11/23 21:02
Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: P

Surprised to be the first to cover this, but my son and I attended on Saturday and had a great time. 

1.  As we arrived, a skirmish had erupted on the grounds
2.  The aerial survelliance was underway
3.  Hauling off the wounded

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/23 04:57 by P.

Date: 09/11/23 21:07
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: P

The military presentation was just as fantastic as the railroad artifacts (considering the re-enactors had to transport theirs to the site and the railroad museum is of course is home base for the railroad stuff).

Date: 09/11/23 21:10
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: P

Roundhouse tour.  The 2 big beasts are the 6325 and the 763,  but plenty others to look at.  

Date: 09/11/23 21:15
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: P

*  My favorite part was the restored collection of mid-century freight cars lined up near a sand tower.  

*  End of day photo op with the restored army train as the backdrop.  

Crowd was decent, but it did not feel super busy.  Perhaps the large grounds allowed for the crowd to spread out throughout the day.  We had a great time and even though the trains were the reason we attended, the WWII presentation was awesome.  

Date: 09/11/23 21:37
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: refarkas

Wonderful coverage - Great photos.

Date: 09/12/23 00:20
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: Odyssey

Wow ... thank you for sharing the images ... looks like a very worthwhile event.
Also surprised at the lack of pre-event info/announcements.  I sure would have
pondered a "wandering" to the east if I'd known!

Evergreen, CO

Date: 09/12/23 00:39
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: ClubCar

Thank you so much for sharing your photos of this event with all of us, the photos are great.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 09/12/23 04:54
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: co614

Jerry Joe was smiling up there as his 2 favorite things ( steam & the military ) were both on stage and giving everyone a show he would approve. Congrats to Tim Spasato and his team for a job well done!!!  

     Ross Rowland

Date: 09/12/23 06:33
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: wp1801

Boys and their toys!

Date: 09/12/23 06:35
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: Frisco1522

Wow, what a show!  I'm surprised it didn't come up here on TO earlier to alert some folks.
Something I think would be neat is a big quality sound system with hidden speakers throughout the roundhouse with background roundhouse sounds. Fired up engines, air pump, dynamo and all the great sounds of steam at idle.  Mix in some hammering and other work sounds and it would add ambience.  
Even after all these years, I'm still overwhelmed at what JJJ built there.  He was something else.

Date: 09/12/23 08:04
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: CPR_4000

Nice to see some accurately restored, actual steam/early diesel era freight cars.

Date: 09/12/23 12:49
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: randyr

Thanks for all the great pics and coverage. I thought I was on their email list but will have to check. Would be nice to see n cat year if they do it again. What a great collection. Thanks again!

Randy in PHX

Posted from iPhone

Date: 09/14/23 13:26
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: gobbl3gook

Date: 09/14/23 21:34
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: OHCR1551

We didn't get to go this year because there were two events down this way that weekend (Stumptown Steam Threshers and a local WWII reenactment.) The weather looked perfect and Felix the roundhouse cat was in a good mood by all accounts, even photobombing the wedding pictures when a couple got married Saturday afternoon. We're just getting to where it's hard for us to do back to back big events, and Steam Into Victory really is (and like all the OC events, we'll-planned and family-friendly.)

I did tell the 82nd Airborne reenactors to check into next year's event at AOSR in case the dates line up for them. AOSR doesn't do Sundays and the local one is Saturday and Sunday, so they might be able to do both. JJJ would no doubt appreciate that!

Rebecca Morgan
Jacobsburg, OH

Date: 09/15/23 07:10
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: gregscholl

What were the planes used? Were there more than the 3 shown?

Date: 09/15/23 09:59
Re: Age of Steam 'Steam to Victory' event this past weekend
Author: P

gregscholl Wrote:
> What were the planes used? Were there more than
> the 3 shown?
> Greg

They performed 2 battle re-enactments during the day.  Each time, the planes flew over and I only saw 3 at a time.  I'm sure it was the same group.  The picture I posted is the best photo I have of them, but here's another.   I don't know much about planes, but I can say they all 3 appeared to be allied planes!  

Thanks for all the kind comments.  It was a nice event.  

I have to say as someone who generally likes learning about history in general, the military re-enactment there was a sobering window into what life was like a generation or 2 ago.  Not just in the military, but in general.  The war was awful, but with their portrayal of transportation, medical practices, entertainment, etc, it was clearly a different world and lifestyle a short 80 years ago.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/23 10:04 by P.

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