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Date: 01/29/24 08:11
I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: dcoursey

...the Illinois Central actually did streamline one of their steam locomotives. Pacific #1146. Was googling IC Steam and this popped up


Quite the interesting scheme!

Date: 01/29/24 08:50
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: wcamp1472

I don't understand the wording of this topic's title sentence?



Date: 01/29/24 08:51
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: aehouse

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> I don't understand the wording of this topic's
> title sentence?
> ​W.
I believe it means he learned of it today.

Art House

Date: 01/29/24 08:52
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: HotWater

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> I don't understand the wording of this topic's
> title sentence?
> ​W.

Same here. Maybe he is only 29 "years old" today?  

Date: 01/29/24 09:36
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: wcamp1472

"Today", being the 29th...



( Who can tell what he means?)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/24 15:45 by wcamp1472.

Date: 01/29/24 10:00
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: OHRY

It's how the kids are talking these days old timers. Got to be hip and with it.

Posted from Android

Date: 01/29/24 10:02
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: dcoursey

Yes, sorry guys, this is a modern way of saying "Today I learned..."

Date: 01/29/24 10:06
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: HotWater

dcoursey Wrote:
> Yes, sorry guys, this is a modern way of saying
> "Today I learned..."

A "modern way"????????    Do schools now allow such butchering of the English language and grammar?  Do you actually TALK to people like that too?

Date: 01/29/24 10:25
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: Spoony81

HotWater Wrote:
> dcoursey Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yes, sorry guys, this is a modern way of saying
> > "Today I learned..."
> A "modern way"????????    Do schools now allow
> such butchering of the English language and
> grammar?  Do you actually TALK to people like
> that too?

I'm 42 and I've also used the same phrase as this topic. The things people on this board get pissy about always cracks me up

Date: 01/29/24 10:35
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: sf1010

I'd never heard that term, but I correctly guessed what it meant.  I'm 76.  

Languages evolve, and that is a good thing.


Date: 01/29/24 10:35
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: wcamp1472

When has age now become stated in 'days'?

"I was days old, yesterday !"...
Actually, I'm 29,200 days old...
My target is 33,000 days old..


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/24 10:43 by wcamp1472.

Date: 01/29/24 10:39
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: exhaustED

sf1010 Wrote:
> I'd never heard that term, but I correctly guessed
> what it meant.  I'm 76.  
> Languages evolve, and that is a good thing.

Language evolves slowly but standards also need to be maintained... without standards you might end up with unthinkables like people using apostrophes before the 's' in plurals....

Date: 01/29/24 10:46
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: wcamp1472

Mis-use of commas is more common.

They appear all-over like dandruff!



Date: 01/29/24 11:35
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: exhaustED

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> Mis-use of commas is more common.
> They appear all-over like dandruff!

It might be, but commas are more complex and open to interpretation. Apostrophes in plurals are dead simple so there's no excuse.

Date: 01/29/24 11:38
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: dcoursey

HotWater Wrote:
> dcoursey Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yes, sorry guys, this is a modern way of saying
> > "Today I learned..."
> A "modern way"????????    Do schools now allow
> such butchering of the English language and
> grammar?  Do you actually TALK to people like
> that too?

No schools do not allow it. Also no, I do not speak like that in person. It is purely internet lingo.

But we've devoted too much time to internet lingo analysis and very little time to discussion of IC's lone steamliner.

I wonder how long IC kept it streamlined before the shrouding was scrapped.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/24 11:40 by dcoursey.

Date: 01/29/24 12:21
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: longliveSP

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> I don't understand the wording of this topic's
> title sentence?
> ​W.

It is a new age social media slang used by those attempting to proclaim themself as part of the in crowd.

Date: 01/29/24 12:25
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: HotWater

longliveSP Wrote:
> wcamp1472 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I don't understand the wording of this topic's
> > title sentence?
> >
> > ​W.
> It is a new age social media slang used by those
> attempting to proclaim themself as part of the in
> crowd.

Apparently the "in crowd" on the TO Steam Railroading board, didn't/doesn't understand.

Date: 01/29/24 12:37
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: santafe199

dcoursey Wrote: > ... we've devoted too much time to internet lingo analysis and very little time to discussion of IC's lone steamliner ...

Really? Then why would you make it so hard for 90% of TO's membership to understand your intent???

Date: 01/29/24 12:53
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: dcoursey

Because I obviously never imagined it would be THAT difficult for anyone to discern. 

I profusely apologize for ruffling anyones feathers by using internet slang. Had I known it would cause such an uproar, I wouldn't have done it. 

It is NOT about trying to "fit in" or be in the "in crowd" or whatever silly assumptions you all have made. My original intent was to merely showcase a interesting example of IC streamlining. No more, no less.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/24 12:56 by dcoursey.

Date: 01/29/24 12:54
Re: I was today years old when I learned that...
Author: wcamp1472

The term " lone streamlined steam engine", says all you need to know about it.
A very limited audience will relate.

As successful as steam-powered dirigibles, inflated with hydrogen, to boot!

A couple of successful "streamlined" steam engines are still operable:
former N& W 611 & former SP4449; any others?
Both were members of groups of sister engines.
Any others still extant?

( if they were double-headed together with a heavy train, which above,  should be the leader?) 


Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/24 13:09 by wcamp1472.

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