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Steam & Excursion > Mid-Continent Railway Museum.

Date: 01/30/24 05:15
Mid-Continent Railway Museum.
Author: hank

During their Snow Train weekend in February 1987, Saginaw Timber Company engine #2 pulls a freight train at Mid-Continent Railway Museum in North Freedom, Wisconsin.

Thanks for viewing.

Ron Hirsch
Springfield, Mo.

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Date: 01/30/24 06:30
Re: Mid-Continent Railway Museum.
Author: jkh2cpu

I like this!  It's a great shot for a cold and blustery day in Michigan.  Spring is coming!

Date: 01/30/24 18:32
Re: Mid-Continent Railway Museum.
Author: Drknow

I remember that winter was mild and DRY in the Midwest. Quite the opposite of the year before.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/30/24 19:13
Re: Mid-Continent Railway Museum.
Author: SR2

I think this may have been an Autumn Color weekend being there are leaves on the
trees in the opening scene.... That does not happen here until at least late March.
I believe I worked Snow Train in 1987 and do not recall it being so warm.

Date: 01/31/24 09:58
Re: Mid-Continent Railway Museum.
Author: HotWater

SR2 Wrote:
> I think this may have been an Autumn Color weekend
> being there are leaves on the
> trees in the opening scene.... That does not
> happen here until at least late March.
> I believe I worked Snow Train in 1987 and do not
> recall it being so warm.
> SR2

I just checked my Pentax 6X7 negatives and prints, both color and B&W, since I attended that 1987 "Snow Train" event, and notice that there was very little snow on the ground, at many of the photo locations. My photos match the above video of that freight train.

Date: 02/02/24 00:48
Re: Mid-Continent Railway Museum.
Author: DRGWMark

I believe everyone when they say that was a dry winter. That likely contributed to an even drier summer: I remember reading an old article that said that 1385 wasn't used on the Circus Train in '87 due to fire concerns.

Date: 02/06/24 06:25
Re: Mid-Continent Railway Museum.
Author: Drknow

And then the Summer of 1988 was HOT and DROUGHT!

Looking at record high numbers on 02/06/24 all over the middle of the lower 48.


Posted from iPhone

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