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Steam & Excursion > ORHC - first passenger car on turntable

Date: 02/01/24 16:48
ORHC - first passenger car on turntable
Author: asheldrake

Yesterday, Phil Barney took this picture of the PNWC-NRHS 6800 coach on the newly installed turntable at the Oregon Rail Heritage Center.   No big deal, one could say.....but I would counter that this is the first passenger car to use the turntable since it was removed from the UP Brooklyn facility some years ago.    The occasion was prompted by a repair need.   ORHC is located in Portland, Oregon.   Arlen

Date: 02/01/24 17:03
Re: ORHC - first passenger car on turntable
Author: wcamp1472

The trurnable is a functioning tool...and you will find a lot 
of work for it, in everyday needs and uses.

The more your crews get used to the various ways 
to use it, the better.

Also, soon, all the approach tracks will get their own
'nicknames' ---- as clarity of intent allows crews to combine 
several moves, with one set of instructions, understood
by all involved.

Neat ! 



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/24 17:30 by wcamp1472.

Date: 02/01/24 18:22
Re: ORHC - first passenger car on turntable
Author: refarkas

Great piece of photographic history.

Date: 02/02/24 08:35
Re: ORHC - first passenger car on turntable
Author: BAB

I would think they know very well what has to be done now and what will wait. Just wait and see how things are planned out and done.

Date: 02/02/24 16:19
Re: ORHC - first passenger car on turntable
Author: Jsporseen

refarkas Wrote:
> Great piece of photographic history.
> Bob

I agree and I wish I had been able to be there to snap a picture of it but no luck in that regard.

There are a number of things still both planned and needed and two of them, it seems to me, could easily have been done by now.  They are the braking system which I have been told has been designed and beinf fabricated (picture is a repeat of what is being used and, while probably very safe, but still seems awkward and time consuming) and the other is the railing for both sides of the bridge.  They have everything for the railing  and just needs to be installed.

The two items would lend some final autenticity to the whole structure it seems to me.
One other thing that I wonder about is the possibility of a derail on the access track.

There will be a need to prioritze money for other items (signals, courtyard paving, water, safety fencing, etc.) and I am sure they will get done.


Date: 02/03/24 08:26
Re: ORHC - first passenger car on turntable
Author: Hillcrest

Are those projects on the "punch list" for the company that did the table installation or the responsibility of the enginehouse crew? 

Cheers, Dave

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