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Steam & Excursion > Castro Point Ry moving out of Pt. Molate

Date: 02/01/24 20:46
Castro Point Ry moving out of Pt. Molate
Author: loleta

In February 1986, Castro Point Ry. moved their equipment out of Point Molate on the Richmond Belt Line to Oakland, and thence to Nile Canyon. I posted some photos a week or so ago on the nostagia forum of Santa Fe hauling the equipment off the RBL. The day before saw Clover Valley Lumber Co. #4 moving the stuff a few cars at a time from Pt. Molate to the interchange, as seen here.

Loleta Fernbridge

Date: 02/01/24 20:47
Re: Castro Point Ry moving out of Pt. Molate
Author: loleta

Two more. Santa Fe 44-tonner 462 helped on the south end to move the cars for Clover Valley #4 to pick up.

- L.F.

Date: 02/01/24 21:12
Re: Castro Point Ry moving out of Pt. Molate
Author: IC_2024

Wonderful! WOW, Loleta— the Pleasure Dome was sure in better shape back then! ( Of course this was a lifetime ago, now…). Tempus Fugit!!

Date: 02/02/24 09:41
Re: Castro Point Ry moving out of Pt. Molate
Author: wingomann

Minor correction.  The move was from Pt. Molate to the Oakland Terminal Railway Oakland Army Base yard for storage.  From there some of the equipment was trucked to Niles Canyon until finally in 2005 when we did the big move to move all of the equipment to the canyon. 

Off the top of my head equipment that was trucked in and got our operation off the ground:
CW M200 - Motorcar - Inaugurated passenger service on NCRY May 21, 1988
Steptoe #3 - Porter 0-4-0 plus a little car for it to pull called the Chrysocolla.  This equipment is now back in Nevada at the Nevada Northern RR.

As we started making some money we trucked in more equipment and made our regular train that operated for a bunch of years which included the beginning of the Train of Lights 
ATSF 462 - GE 44 tonner
SP 1949 - Pullman Harriman era coach (a true Harriman)
WP 315 - Pullman coach 
Three open cars built from flatcars.  Two were ex idler cars from the Alemeda Belt Railroad used for loading cars onto the ferry and one was an ex WP flat.
SP 4691 - bay window caboose

Santa Fe 193149 The Boxcar Bookstore positioned at the beginning of every operating day where the station is now


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