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Steam & Excursion > Allegeheny 2102

Date: 02/13/24 15:11
Allegeheny 2102
Author: refarkas

(Redo) Allegeheny 2102 (Ex-Reading 2102) is pulling a fan trip at an unknown location on the Pittsburg and Shawmut in October 1974. The centered headlight was from her representing a Deleware and Hudson locomotive for a D&H celebration.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/24 19:35 by refarkas.

Date: 02/13/24 16:58
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: nandw1218

Reesedale, PA passing through the Armstrong Power Plant. Plant was closed in 2012, this portion of the P&S while still intact, is out of service north of Mosgrove. Nice shot!

Posted from Android

Date: 02/13/24 17:39
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: CP8888

What is the steam pipe on the front of the locomotive? I don't think it is original equipment.

Date: 02/13/24 17:46
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: HotWater

CP8888 Wrote:
> What is the steam pipe on the front of the
> locomotive? I don't think it is original
> equipment.

I give up,,,,,,what "steam pipe"?

Date: 02/13/24 18:21
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: Tominde

Wes, that's you baby.

Date: 02/13/24 18:26
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: wabash2800

I think he is referring to the litlle pipe with exhaust on top of the smoke box.

Victor Baird 

HotWater Wrote:
> CP8888 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What is the steam pipe on the front of the
> > locomotive? I don't think it is original
> > equipment.
> I give up,,,,,,what "steam pipe"?

Date: 02/13/24 18:28
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: wabash2800

I'll admit I didn't like the appearance of the T-1 when it ran on the Freedom Train but I think it has grown on me. Maybe I was never a fan of an arched cab window on a modern loco.

Victor Baird

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/24 18:30 by wabash2800.

Date: 02/13/24 18:35
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: wcamp1472


( re: the vertical steam-exhaust pipe, near the smokestack and the 
       Worthington feedwater heater, in the top of the smoke box).

That's the steam exhaust pipe from the Worthington hot water pump.
The original routing went up the smoke stack.  
That original pipe was extremely eroded by cinder-cutting inside the smokebox.
( Cinder velocities, at loco cruising speeds are very high inside the smokebox)

The pipe now helps the fireman see the speed that the reciprocating-pump
is running --- normally, you'd want a low piston speed, while cruising...
And it's not subject to cinder-cutting.

The apparent rapid speed of the reciprocating pump is seen in the 
 pump's steam cloud... that's about as fast as that pump runs...
 when the engine is up to 'operating temperatures', the pump runs at
a leisurely pace, a few strokes a minute....  If he needs water, he should be 
using the injector, instead of beating the pump that fast....

( A disadvantage of fast water pump speeds, is that the heating of the feedwater 
   takes long dwell-time in order to allow the cold water to warm-up sufficiently.  
   With rapid pump strokes of the water pump, you're effectively pumping coldest
    water into the boiler.  
    The injector water is warmer than the pumped water, under these 
   conditions.... When you're having to run the pump at a fast speed,
    there's no benefit from the heating capacity of the system).



Edited 9 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/24 20:33 by wcamp1472.

Date: 02/14/24 01:26
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: ClubCar

I like the photo but I hated the look of the engine disguised as a D&H engine.  Phooey, it's a much better appearance as itself in my opinion.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 02/14/24 06:22
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: bandob

Beautiful shot, Bob! And thanks, Wes, for the explanation. I remember seeing the steam from that pipe on the Hoboken-Binghamton trips in the early 1970's, and wondered what it was for.

With the mention of the D&H disguise, I realized there may be many new TO members who don't know what that was. Here's three photos from 1973 for their benefit.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/24 06:27 by bandob.

Date: 02/14/24 07:03
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: CP8888

D&H disguise was for the 150th anniversary of the Delaware and Hudson canal and railroad. Train traveled from Waterford NY to Montreal QC and return. Last year 2023 was the 200th year anniversary and it passed completely unnoticed. The D&H still exists as a paper company in the US.

Date: 02/14/24 08:33
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: Tominde

Wes, did you add that exhaust pipe?   

Date: 02/14/24 08:49
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: refarkas

Thanks for the photos and the information.

Date: 02/14/24 09:30
Re: Allegeheny 2102
Author: wcamp1472

"Wes, did you add that exhaust pipe"

Yes.  We re-directed and added new a pipe section to extend it.
We also removed the cinder-eroded pipe inside the smoke box, and
removed the original stub, installed a suitable pipe plug, to protect
the pipe threads, and covered the hole in the smokebox wall.

I think the current owner's crew restored the original exhaust pipe
routing inside the smokebox with new material.  

They've done a masterful job in their current total restoration.
We made sure the appearance changes we added for the D&H celebration
were easily reversible.


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