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Steam & Excursion > Strasburg Railroad #31/#7312 Restoration

Date: 03/24/24 16:17
Strasburg Railroad #31/#7312 Restoration
Author: MiketheMikado

It's been 15 years since #31 was out of service in 2009 for a complete overhaul.
The Strasburg Railroad cannot run passenger trains with only two operating steam locomotive available
such as #89 and #475. #90 still in it's required 15 year boiler treatments. So the #31 restoration should be 
eventually completed if #90's out of service with only two steamers left even if you railfans don't care or lost hope.
We are so desperate to see #7312 back. The boiler with wheels and running gear, the cab, tender frame, everything else now
inside the engine house. Not only to make room for the shops but also to finish #31's 15 year overhaul like #89
had it's 15 year boiler reassembly years past for example.
Please Note... Try to be more positive about #7312 and have faith in that. Okay?

Date: 03/25/24 11:09
Re: Strasburg Railroad #31/#7312 Restoration
Author: bandob

"even if you railfans don't care"

I'm not really sure what this means. Of course we care.

B&O Bill 

Date: 03/25/24 19:16
Re: Strasburg Railroad #31/#7312 Restoration
Author: Earlk

My opinion, it is only that.  As one who worked for "The Burg" fora couple of summers, I don't see how #31/7312 would be a good fit for how they run trains nowadays.  The schedule requires trains to move along at close to 20mph wherever they can, and #7312's lack of a pilot truck would make that a real exciting cab ride.  

Date: 03/25/24 20:17
Re: Strasburg Railroad #31/#7312 Restoration
Author: Hillcrest

Just my opinion also, but I would think a 1472 on an active locomotive like 90 would be a quicker undertaking than finishing a restoration on one that has been out of service for 15 years, but I also don't know to what stage 31 has been completed...any idea?

Cheers, Dave

Date: 03/26/24 08:53
Re: Strasburg Railroad #31/#7312 Restoration
Author: BKLJ611

Earlk Wrote:
> My opinion, it is only that.  As one who worked
> for "The Burg" fora couple of summers, I don't see
> how #31/7312 would be a good fit for how they run
> trains nowadays.  The schedule requires trains to
> move along at close to 20mph wherever they can,
> and #7312's lack of a pilot truck would make that
> a real exciting cab ride.  

This was my thought as well. Does it really make sense to return this locomotive to operation given their operational needs? Maybe someone with direct knowledge will be able to chime in.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 03/26/24 11:15
Re: Strasburg Railroad #31/#7312 Restoration
Author: callum_out

I look at the grade, the train lengths in season, and that locomotive and wonder why as well.


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