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Steam & Excursion > PA Short Line to Mark 140th Anniversary

Date: 08/27/24 10:52
PA Short Line to Mark 140th Anniversary
Author: pt199

 A Pennsylvania short line railroad chartered in 1884 is set to observe its 140th anniversary.
The 7.4-mile Stewartstown Railroad in the south-central region of the state is one of the longest-lived U.S. railroad operations still using its original name.
It no longer hauls freight but offers passenger excursions. It relies on volunteers to conduct such tasks as equipment restoration, track maintenance, and operating train crews.

The latter comes from the non-profit Friends of the Stewartstown Railroad while the company itself is a for-profit operation with 80 shareholders, some of who can trace their family ownership back to 1884.
An event scheduled for Sept. 7 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. will mark the anniversary.

Excursions tickets on that date will be sold for $1.40 per person and four trips will be operated. The normal adult fare is $17.
Also slated for the day are events at the 1914 station, including displays and birthday cake and ice cream.
The railroad has a museum and gift shop in a former bank branch. From the akronrrblog

Date: 08/27/24 11:54
Re: PA Short Line to Mark 140th Anniversary
Author: jallenp7

PA has long running railroads, Strasburg was chartered in 1832!

Date: 08/27/24 12:52
Re: PA Short Line to Mark 140th Anniversary
Author: DRGWMark

Ironically, I have never seen this railroad in operation even though Stewartstown was my mom's hometown and thus I have visited it many times.

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