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Steam & Excursion > Branson Scenic Railroad Sold

Date: 09/01/24 10:20
Branson Scenic Railroad Sold
Author: livesteamer

The Branson Scenic Railway located in Branson, Missouri has been sold by the railroad's long time owners to the American Heritage Railway.  AHR currently operates the Durango and Silverton Railroad and the Great Smokey Moutains Railroad.   The Branson Scenic has operated from the downtown Branson (MO) train station and it part of the White River line once owned by the MOPAC and the UPRR.  Currently, the White River line is ownered and operated by the Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad. The scenic line is a very populer area attrraction and has been in operation in Branson since 1993.  The news report on Friday implies that AHR plans to add to the current operations. 

Marty Harrison
Knob Noster, MO

Date: 09/04/24 12:10
Re: Branson Scenic Railroad Sold
Author: tomstp

Never did like what AHR tried to do in Chama NM and the Texas State Railroad.   I was very happy to see then leave..  I have never seen or ridden the Branson Scenic.  So I don't have any comment on it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/24 12:10 by tomstp.

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