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Steam & Excursion > SP 4449 Location Unknown, anyone know?

Date: 12/25/24 07:50
SP 4449 Location Unknown, anyone know?
Author: ssloansjca

On Saturday, April 25, 1981, City of Portland owned, former Southern Pacific (SP) GS4 4449 went from Portland, OR, to Klamath Falls, OR, as part of its journey to Railfair 1981, the Grand Opening of the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento, CA. SP 9338, an SD45T-2, traveled with it from Oakridge to Klamath Falls. I lost my notes from that trip. Location of this photo is unknown.

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Steve Sloan
San José, CA


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Date: 12/25/24 09:11
Re: SP 4449 Location Unknown, anyone know?
Author: E25

I would guess between Braymill and Chiloquin, OR

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Date: 12/25/24 21:57
Re: SP 4449 Location Unknown, anyone know?
Author: ln844south

Betweej VP459 and VP 459.5 north of Chiloquin, Or. I am confident this is the location.
My house is on the east side of the tracks at this location. The train would be headed south (SP West) just coming out of a deep cut into a right hand curve. across the high fill.
Photos probley take from Old Korral Road. That meadow now has a 100 acre solar field .
Everything matchs except the pole line with the single cross arm is gone.
Attached is a photo from my front porch with the Tioga Pass on the rear of AMTK 14 about the rnter the cut. Second on is 14 on the fill.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/24 22:18 by ln844south.

Date: 12/26/24 08:17
Re: SP 4449 Location Unknown, anyone know?
Author: BAB

And again Steve has it right, has his own view of that area, not so good now with the solar deal. But to pick that place to retire, wow, and yes I can here most trains signal his house from mine three miles away sometimes. Take care will talk soon have some train news to discuss. Boyd in Chiloquin OR.

Date: 12/26/24 09:58
Re: SP 4449 Location Unknown, anyone know?
Author: ssloansjca

Thank you so much for the excellent information. Your comments are greatly appreciated.

Steve Sloan

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