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Steam & Excursion > Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomotive

Date: 12/28/24 18:12
Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomotive
Author: RuleG

Date: 12/29/24 09:12
Re: Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomoti
Author: tomstp

It's certainly different.

Date: 12/29/24 10:51
Re: Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomoti
Author: dan

great building

Date: 12/29/24 19:44
Re: Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomoti
Author: BoilingMan

Give it a Thomas face and I think you've got something!

Date: 01/02/25 07:04
Re: Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomoti
Author: Railpax71

Mooka is worth a visit.  Here we see the museum buildings and the other side of the station.

Date: 01/02/25 09:24
Re: Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomoti
Author: RNP47

Pretty cool!

Bob Phelps
Micanopy, FL

Date: 01/02/25 17:51
Re: Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomoti
Author: RuleG

Railpax71 Wrote:
> Mooka is worth a visit.  Here we see the museum
> buildings and the other side of the station.

Thank you, Railpax, for adding your photos.

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