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Steam & Excursion > R&N #425 also in the news

Date: 12/29/24 05:03
R&N #425 also in the news
Author: bigsavage

Reading & Northerns veteran 4-6-2 is also coming out of the shop in the latter half of 2025.
There were a lot of memorable trips with 425 during the years 2102 was being rebuilt.( 2017-2022)
Hopefully the "Year of Steam Trains" will include CNJ 113, which recently missed all its Santa Train trips due to a malfunction.

With some tasteful red/white striping, 425 could be the R&N's own 250th anniversary of the USA steam locomotive...
Video is from a great day in Jim Thorpe, 6/24/2018, 425 was a little slippery out of the station area
Pic is @ Molino, PA. 10/23/2021

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Date: 12/29/24 14:11
Re: R&N #425 also in the news
Author: DRGWMark

I'm glad to hear that 425's rebuild is not only coming along, but apparently may be done in the next year! In this day and age, whenver a steam engine needs a rebuild, when or even if it returns to service tends to be a big question.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/24 14:12 by DRGWMark.

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