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Steam & Excursion > Chessie 614

Date: 12/30/24 20:04
Chessie 614
Author: refarkas

Chessie 614 is in an unknown location on June 27, 1981.

Date: 12/31/24 02:48
Re: Chessie 614
Author: ClubCar

Happy New Year, Bob.  Yes, that 4-8-4 C&O 614 is really a great locomotive and I have been one of those lucky people to have ridden behind her on many excursions in the past.  I'm just hoping that when she goes up to Strasburg, Pennsylvania, that she will be completely restored and then operate at Strasburg for a short time before she heads off to polish the rails of a main line railroad as she was built to do by the Lima Locomotive Works of Lima, Ohio back in 1948.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 12/31/24 06:25
Re: Chessie 614
Author: DavidP

Nice look at a very handsome engine!  I had the pleasure of riding behind her on one of the NJT excursions in 1997.


Date: 12/31/24 16:09
Re: Chessie 614
Author: WM1977

Maybe someone has some info on where the train was operated on that date. I’ll take a wild guess and say maybe the WMRwy.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 12/31/24 17:55
Re: Chessie 614

June 27, 1981 trip was Akron, Ohio to Pittsburgh, Pa. and return.

Posted from Android

Chris Bost
Leesport, PA

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