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Steam & Excursion > When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?

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Date: 01/19/25 16:40
When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: timz

Date: 01/19/25 17:21
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: HotWater

timz Wrote:
> This scan seems to be backwards
> https://unionpacific.canto.com/v/UnionPacificColle
> ction/album/RJ6AL?viewIndex=2&gSortingForward=fals
> e&gOrderProp=createDate&referenceTo=&from=fitView&
> display=fitView&column=image&id=v6udmn4r8h259afiee
> fe863r45

Don't tinik steam locomotives EVER had "clocks. Where d you come up with this crap?

Date: 01/19/25 17:29
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: Jimbo

HotWater Wrote:

> Don't tinik steam locomotives EVER had "clocks.
> Where d you come up with this crap?

Sure loois like a clock.  And yes, the picture could be reversed.


Date: 01/19/25 17:53
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: wcamp1472

The top most 'gauge' is a 12-tour clock, but the image is flopped,
and backwards...

Probably had trouble  Standardizing, with multiple locos, all with 
wind-up clocks.   As watches became more accurate,
and 'Standard Time' and 4 time zones were established,
it was easier for all crew members, of one train, to synchronize
their watches, to Standard Time... within a few seconds.

. Typically, each depot had a Standard Time clock as well as dispatcher offices and 
crew assembly offices, as well as Roundhouses.... all were coordinated with standard time 



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/19/25 17:59 by wcamp1472.

Date: 01/19/25 19:17
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: dan

looks like an inspection engine (executive train power)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/25 00:47 by dan.

Date: 01/19/25 19:17
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: Lackawanna484

Railroad standard time was established in 1883.  Wasn't the telegraph used to communicate the precise time for individual depots, terminals, etc to "standardize" time across the time zones?

Date: 01/19/25 20:15
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: Mike6640-2

HotWater Wrote:
> timz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This scan seems to be backwards
> >
> >
> https://unionpacific.canto.com/v/UnionPacificColle
> >
> ction/album/RJ6AL?viewIndex=2&gSortingForward=fals
> >
> e&gOrderProp=createDate&referenceTo=&from=fitView&
> >
> display=fitView&column=image&id=v6udmn4r8h259afiee
> > fe863r45
> Don't tinik steam locomotives EVER had "clocks.
> Where d you come up with this crap?
. and, mounted deer heads!

Date: 01/19/25 21:09
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: PumpkinHogger

Rotated and tinkered with a bit, viewable image on the UP site doesn't have great resolution.

Date: 01/19/25 22:14
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: radar

The mirrors and linoleum floor seem even more unusual than the mounted deer head. I wonder if the special decor was done for the photo?

Date: 01/20/25 04:21
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: RNP47

The clock is not the only questionalbe item. How about the mounted dear head, the heart shaped candy dish, the lanterns positioned so they don't light up the guages, are those window frames or picture frames on either side of the mounted head? There's got to be more to this than "meets the eye"!!!

Bob Phelps
Micanopy, FL

Date: 01/20/25 05:53
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: engineerinvirginia

RNP47 Wrote:
> The clock is not the only questionalbe item. How
> about the mounted dear head, the heart shaped
> candy dish, the lanterns positioned so they don't
> light up the guages, are those window frames or
> picture frames on either side of the mounted head?
> There's got to be more to this than "meets the
> eye"!!!

regularly assigned engine that the crew has prettied up. Assigned cabeese got the same treatment.

Date: 01/20/25 06:27
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: train1275

This photo was published in a book either by Lucius Beebe or George Abdill. If Beebe, the caption may have been more fanciful and poetic than accurate. Seems like maybe Kansas in the 1880's. It was also, I am pretty sure, in one of the old Railroad Magazines (pulp version) circa 1930's - 1940's.

As has been mentioned, locomotives were usually assigned in the early days and each engineer "tricked" his out as he saw fit with his own money. A nice perk, but many times the engine crews had to perfrom many of their own repairs (light repairs) and were responsible for keeping their locomotives in service. On some roads if an engineer's locomotive was out of service he did not get paid. And as an aside, on some roads crews did not get paid for making up their trains, they only got paid for going over the road.

This locomotive is really tricked up, and may have been so primarily for photographic purposes. Showing off as the envy of other crews ...."see what we have". The fireman looks like he is going to a nice dinner rather than seriously firing an engine.

With most master mechanics doling out valve oil and waste like Scrooge donating to the poor houses, a railroad supplied clock would not have been part of the standard company issue cab accoutrements. And likely the atmosphere would have made any such clock impossible to maintain so that it kept acceptable and accurate time, therefore being a waste of time and money (except for showing the status and creativity of a senior engineer). 


Date: 01/20/25 06:41
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: Drknow

HotWater Wrote:
> timz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This scan seems to be backwards
> >
> >
> https://unionpacific.canto.com/v/UnionPacificColle
> >
> ction/album/RJ6AL?viewIndex=2&gSortingForward=fals
> >
> e&gOrderProp=createDate&referenceTo=&from=fitView&
> >
> display=fitView&column=image&id=v6udmn4r8h259afiee
> > fe863r45
> Don't tinik steam locomotives EVER had "clocks.
> Where d you come up with this crap?

This picture.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/20/25 07:50
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: NKP779

No doubt this was from a time when engines were assigned to one particular crew and they customized it to their tastes and to impress their friends.

Date: 01/20/25 07:54
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: ts1457

NKP779 Wrote:
> No doubt this was from a time when engines were
> assigned to one particular crew and they
> customized it to their tastes and to impress their
> friends.

Interesting to see the interior. Lots of pictures of decorations on the exterior of assigned engines.

Date: 01/20/25 08:15
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: 4451Puff

I have a book somewhere with this photo. If time permits, I'll look for it during my holiday off today (presuming it isn't in storage in another state) Going from memory, it iwas a custom job by a full time assigned engineer, and was on a narrow gauge line in the west, perhaps California or Oregon. 

Desmond Praetzel, "4451Puff"

Date: 01/20/25 11:02
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: PHall

Would a clock be able to handle the heat and vibration of a steam locomotive backhead?

Date: 01/20/25 12:04
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: webmaster

My question is when did US steam locomotives stop having deer heads mounted in them?


Todd Clark
Canyon Country, CA

Date: 01/20/25 12:08
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: train1275

webmaster Wrote:
> My question is when did US steam locomotives stop
> having deer heads mounted in them?

When it was determined a hoghead was enough in the cab.

Date: 01/20/25 12:12
Re: When did US steam locomotives quit having clocks?
Author: Lackawanna484

train1275 Wrote:
> >
> >  
> When it was determined a hoghead was enough in the
> cab.

Well played, sir!

Posted from Android

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