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Steam & Excursion > Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gallery

Date: 01/23/25 09:14
Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gallery
Author: MaryMcPherson

Hopefully I don't get my butt kicked over this video, but the overlapping video from the same day tickled my funny bone when I was digitizing the tapes.

These scenes are from a 1996 trip with Frisco 1522, and I believe this was the beginning of the deadhead move to an appearance at Railroad Days in Topeka, Kansas.

Don, asking all forgiveness...

Mary McPherson
Dongola, IL
Diverging Clear Productions

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Date: 01/23/25 10:16
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: train1275

Awesome and fun video !
And a beautiful locomotive.

Date: 01/23/25 12:20
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: wingomann

Very enjoyable video to watch.  Thanks for sharing.

Date: 01/23/25 13:56
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: Frisco1522

We had a company within the St. Louis Steam Train Association that was named "Bogus Video Productions" which produced several videos for our own enjoyment.  There was more to this one and now that the cat is out of the bag, you could do the rest of it.
An investigation has been launched to see who broke the Classified video
That was a fun trip throughout.
The two comedians are Dave Roeder and Wellie Lazier.  The hard working hero engineer.........well you know.
Our 26 brake valve developed a leak and we replaced it at West Alton, MO with a 40 minute delay.

Date: 01/23/25 16:26
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: jkh2cpu

The video in this posting is really great!  I'm gonna have to watch this several times, and probably save it for personal viewing whenever I need to see a steam loco at speed :-)

Thanks a lot.

Date: 01/23/25 17:47
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: redberan4449

Oh, those were the days.  Perfect in every way.  Thank you for the entertainment.

Date: 01/23/25 19:45
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: srman

Fantastic video! My only encounter with this locomotive was the 1994 NRHS convention in Atlanta. Got video in several locations down there. Sweet looking a sounding locomotive. Thanks for sharing. 

Date: 01/23/25 20:08
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: Frisco1522

jkh2cpu Wrote:
> The video in this posting is really great!  I'm
> gonna have to watch this several times, and
> probably save it for personal viewing whenever I
> need to see a steam loco at speed :-)
> Thanks a lot.
I have the whole video (minus the silliness) on the video you channel in several parts.
There's more to the peanut gallery that Mary is holding back.

Date: 01/23/25 20:18
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: doge_of_pocopson

Wow Don, she really sounded great.  B

Date: 01/24/25 02:32
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: MaryMcPherson

Frisco1522 Wrote:
> There's more to the peanut gallery that Mary is
> holding back.

For sure. I was back and forth on whether to use this much, but the pairing was too much fun.

Posted from Android

Mary McPherson
Dongola, IL
Diverging Clear Productions

Date: 01/24/25 07:52
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: jcaestecker

Thank you for posting that, Mary.  I love it when a good dose of levity finds its way into a railfan video.  That doesn't happen to often.


Date: 01/24/25 09:51
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: MILW16

Wow!  Everyone looks so young.  Of course, I haven't aged a bit. ;>).  And Jeff on the floor - he always liked to get involved.

Great video - thanks for posting it Mary.

By the way, what is the stainless steel car in the the last going away shot?

Date: 01/24/25 11:20
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: tomstp

Love those extra flags floppping in the wind.

Date: 01/24/25 11:55
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: callum_out

Obvious problem of too many gauges for the engineer to look at! Cute video, only got to see it twice,
was and still is my favorite tourist engine.


Date: 01/24/25 14:06
Re: Frisco1522, Frisco 1522, and the Wise Guys in the Peanut Gall
Author: Frisco1522

The stainless car is a Santa Fe sleeper that was sent along for our crew.  BN and later BNSF was always very nice to us.
There's not too many gauges.  Some of them you only look at occasionally.  I always kept an eye on Boiler pressure, duplex air gauge and water glass.
We had an EOT and terminal in the cab that kept me current on brake/acceleration/distance traveled (like factoring in the train length coming out of a siding or slow order).  At times I would watch the cylinder back pressure gauge to see what it said when I was working a hill compared to what I heard the engine saying.
We also had a sophisticated bearing temperature monitoring system with a readout on the front cab wall on the engineer's side that scanned all the bearings and displayed the temperature.  One of our members, Don Wessling, developed a great system.  At the end of the day, he would download the info and print it out.  I told time,speed,location and each bearing's temp.  GPS equipped.  It was a great addition.

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