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Steam & Excursion > 40 years ago...614T pulls Amtrak

Date: 01/30/25 23:22
40 years ago...614T pulls Amtrak
Author: GenePoon

40 years ago on January 30, 1985, ex-C&O 614T, while on its demonstration tour for American Coal Enterprises, was leased to Amtrak for one day to gather data on how it would perform on a scheduled passenger train.  Amtrak train 51, the Cardinal, operated between Huntington and Hinton, WV.  The 4-8-4 was able to operate the train on schedule.  The assigned Amtrak diesel, the AMTK 345, was only providing HEP while the 614T and its supporting cars was on the head end pulling the train.

As might be expected, it is difficult to find photos of the event.  What I found is on TO, in a post by Masterphots, two shots at Hawks Nest WV at: 



Date: 01/31/25 06:31
Re: 40 years ago...614T pulls Amtrak
Author: Spoony81

I attached a clickable link so you won't have to copy and paste


Date: 01/31/25 08:14
Re: 40 years ago...614T pulls Amtrak
Author: GenePoon

Thank you!!

Date: 01/31/25 17:06
Re: 40 years ago...614T pulls Amtrak
Author: co614

Yes, she still holds the title of the only steam engine to power a scheduled Amtrak train. Despite heavier than normal ridership she was able to maintain the Cardinals schedule. Great run, great fun.

   Thanks, Ross Rowland 

Date: 02/01/25 17:32
Re: 40 years ago...614T pulls Amtrak
Author: Txhighballer

co614 Wrote:
> Yes, she still holds the title of the only steam
> engine to power a scheduled Amtrak train. Despite
> heavier than normal ridership she was able to
> maintain the Cardinals schedule. Great run, great
> fun.
>    Thanks, Ross Rowland 

I believe the Union Pacific used to ferry the 8444 on the point of Amtrak trains as well.

Date: 02/01/25 18:46
Re: 40 years ago...614T pulls Amtrak
Author: dan

co614 Wrote:
> Yes, she still holds the title of the only steam
> engine to power a scheduled Amtrak train. Despite
> heavier than normal ridership she was able to
> maintain the Cardinals schedule. Great run, great
> fun.
>    Thanks, Ross Rowland 

8444 was on the point of the SFZ a few times, unlikely ? as the sole power, I doubt it had that much water or any additional added en  route to be the sole power, maybe on the downhill run from cheyenne to denver

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