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Nostalgia & History > A little Oregon Tunnel Motor action

Date: 10/27/05 19:29
A little Oregon Tunnel Motor action
Author: photobob

Heres 8284 leading an eastbound through Chemult, Oregon on a COLD Winter day back in the 80's. It was always fun to time the sutter release just as the Gyro Lite poped into your viewfinder.For some reason Yellow noses and ditch lights just dont have the same appeal to me.

Date: 10/27/05 21:38
Re: A little Oregon Tunnel Motor action
Author: dmaffei

What happened to the Truckee photos of 1952? Are they for Sale? Is it snowing in Dunsmuir yet Bob?

Date: 10/27/05 22:12
Re: A little Oregon Tunnel Motor action
Author: choochoocharlie

Hey Bob, take another look at the number in the number board of the lead unit. Looks to me like 8284. One of the later T-2s that was stored in Eugene for awhile during the downturn in traffic. It's a great winter SP scene. The kind you can't get anymore. Don't feel bad about the number mixup, I've done the same thing. It comes from posting late at night. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!


Date: 10/27/05 22:28
Re: A little Oregon Tunnel Motor action
Author: photobob

Yea I was blinded by the Gyralite. I changed the number in my post.

Date: 10/27/05 23:14
Re: A little Oregon Tunnel Motor action
Author: ProAmtrak

That's not surprising, even in the daytime those gyralites were bright! Nice pic Bob!

Date: 10/27/05 23:33
Re: A little Oregon Tunnel Motor action
Author: FGS

As always photobob, an excellent photo of a scene that just can't be duplicated. Thanks for sharing, I always enjoy what you share.


Date: 10/28/05 09:35
Re: A little Oregon Tunnel Motor action
Author: samreeves

Bob did you drive the MG up there with the top down?

Date: 10/29/05 19:47
Re: A little Oregon Tunnel Motor action
Author: choochoocharlie

I have tried to do the same thing with those "gumball" lights that Santa Fe had and were also on some SP and UP units. Wait to shoot the photo when the light was on in my direction so it gave the shot a little more life to it. Most of the time I got it...... but then, sometimes I didn't........... C.C.Chas.

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