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Nostalgia & History > Utah Copper in 1930

Date: 12/06/05 15:57
Utah Copper in 1930
Author: donstrack


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/22/20 08:49 by donstrack.

Date: 12/06/05 16:11
Re: Utah Copper in 1930
Author: MacBeau

donstrack Wrote:
> I hope someday to do a book.
> Don Strack

Please do! Great images too.

Date: 12/06/05 17:22
Re: Utah Copper in 1930
Author: gobbl3gook

Praises to the dumpster divers.

Thanks Don,

Ted in Davis

Date: 12/06/05 18:37
Re: Utah Copper in 1930
Author: roberthedgecock

I wonder how many other priceless photo collections have ended up in dumpsters? Thanks to Don these photos can be enjoyed hopefully in a book or on his site

Date: 12/07/05 07:25
Re: Utah Copper in 1930
Author: Nitehostler

Looks like good fortune smiled on this one! Those are priceless.


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