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Nostalgia & History > B&W night photo's

Date: 02/22/06 18:58
B&W night photo's
Author: m1bprr

Back in the old days, the 50's, 60's, 70's, a lot of us were shooting black & white. I used a Speed Graphic 4X5 press camera, as did many of us. For night photography I used A Kodak Tri X film pack ASA 400, with a standard 3 minute @ F11 time exposure, along with fill flash. This is how it was before digital photography, and photo shop. You really worked for your picture back then.

Ed K. cp. Laurel Run

Date: 02/22/06 18:59
Re: B&W night photo's
Author: m1bprr

Ed K.

Date: 02/22/06 21:08
Re: B&W night photo's
Author: jbwest

But we had a lot of fun.

Date: 02/22/06 21:10
Re: B&W night photo's
Author: jbwest

You never knew what you had until you got into the darkroom.

Date: 02/22/06 21:19
Re: B&W night photo's
Author: jbwest

But 40 years later you can still play around with the negatives, and in some cases it makes a lot of sense to digitize them and play with them in Photoshop....lots of stuff you can do with Photoshop that I could never do in the darkroom.....although I still enjoy my time in the darkroom.

Date: 02/22/06 21:35
Re: B&W night photo's
Author: Pullman

So true, so true...

Should try some more night shots later this year. Have some interesting bulbs just waiting for the right subject.

Date: 02/23/06 09:00
Re: B&W night photo's
Author: m1bprr

Outstanding pix!!!
Ed K. Love the narrow gage.

Date: 02/23/06 09:03
Re: B&W night photo's
Author: m1bprr

Ed K.

Date: 02/23/06 09:08
Re: B&W night photo's
Author: m1bprr

Digital stuff, much too easy!

Ed K.

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