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Nostalgia & History > good old Santa Fe

Date: 02/22/06 19:08
good old Santa Fe
Author: 3rdswitch

Back in August '90, it seems like a lifetime, one of Santa Fe's hottest westbounds, train 198 [edited, thanks] was approaching Cajon Campground led by a quartet of faded GP50/GP40X's. Out the mighty have fallen as these units are either gone or seen only on locals and work trains.

Date: 02/22/06 19:42
Re: good old Santa Fe
Author: ProAmtrak

YOu sure that's the 199? I say it's the 198 since the 199 goes to Richmond! Nice shot though 3RD Switch!

Date: 02/22/06 19:59
Re: good old Santa Fe
Author: Evan_Werkema

3rdswitch Wrote:

> Out the mighty have fallen as
> these units are either gone or seen only on locals
> and work trains.

True, but then the 40X's are going on 28 years old, and 3818 is 25 this month. A quarter century is pretty good for locomotives that had a less than sterling reputation on a lot of roads.

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