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Nostalgia & History > 4449 with Mt Shasta minus helpers

Date: 03/31/06 09:16
4449 with Mt Shasta minus helpers
Author: photobob

Heres 4449 passing Mt Shasta at Cougar.The train was returning to Portland after doing a little PR work for the SP following the Cantara incident. This train ran trips from Redding to Black Butte over the Labor Day weekend of 1991. There is a post on the Western Board of it on an earlier trip with helpers. This is real nostalgia because I dont think we'll ever see this scene again. I shot this back in my 4x5 days.

Date: 03/31/06 09:29
Re: 4449 with Mt Shasta minus helpers
Author: samreeves

Nice Bob. Time to make a 16x20 of that beaut.

Sam Reeves

Date: 03/31/06 12:06
Re: 4449 with Mt Shasta minus helpers
Author: dmaffei

Looks like Mt. Tam to me Bob

Date: 03/31/06 13:50
Re: 4449 with Mt Shasta minus helpers
Author: Nitehostler

For pure sound, that climb was a wonderful area to listen to her work. Thanks for the great pic.


Date: 03/31/06 17:06
Re: 4449 with Mt Shasta minus helpers
Author: Mgoldman

When are they gonna name a "curve" after you Bob?
They just don't give those things out any more, do they?
Nice shot!

Date: 03/31/06 17:26
Re: 4449 with Mt Shasta minus helpers
Author: dmaffei

Mgoldman Wrote:
> When are they gonna name a "curve" after you Bob?

The New UP timetabe should read ______ instead of Cougar?
First there was Sullivan's Curve.
Now there's?

1)Bob's Bend
2)Morris Heights
3)Photobob's Curve
4)Bob's Last Light
5)Bob's View
6)Crap Summit
7)250 @ F5.6

None of'em sound good...

Date: 03/31/06 17:38
Re: 4449 with Mt Shasta minus helpers
Author: samreeves

Cape Crapola

Sam Reeves

Date: 04/01/06 00:53
Re: 4449 with Mt Shasta after Labor Day, 1991
Author: BrianJennison

Make that Labor Day weekend... early September. The spill was in July 1991...

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