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Nostalgia & History > More SP oldies but goodies.

Date: 07/25/06 17:08
More SP oldies but goodies.
Author: SP6190

#1 SP 6457 MERCED CA 1963
#2 SP 9019 INDIO CA 10-64

Date: 07/25/06 17:12
Re: More SP oldies but goodies.
Author: mwbridgwater

Wow... great shot of the hydraulics. Not many around with all three. Thanks for posting!


Date: 07/25/06 17:12
Re: More SP oldies but goodies.
Author: SP6190

#4 SP 6297 ROSEVILLE 1962
#6 SP 4411 SAN FRANCISCO 1937

Date: 07/25/06 17:26
Re: More SP oldies but goodies.
Author: Nitehostler

mwbridgwater Wrote:
> Wow... great shot of the hydraulics. Not many
> around with all three. Thanks for posting!
> Mark

Not certain, but this may have been the instance where they were tested with the dynomometer car. That may be it in the


Date: 07/25/06 17:31
Re: More SP oldies but goodies.
Author: SP6190

I believe this shot is of their first trip west. They were tested on the Kaiser ore train on their way up north to Roseville.

Date: 07/25/06 20:41
Re: More SP oldies but goodies.
Author: Nitehostler

SP6190 Wrote:
> I believe this shot is of their first trip west.
> They were tested on the Kaiser ore train on their
> way up north to Roseville.

Thanks John. You certainly have some beauts here. Thanks for posting them.


Date: 07/25/06 22:22
Re: More SP oldies but goodies.
Author: wwdrkid

That photo of the SP 4411 is amusing, with the I believe 73 inch drivers falling short of reaching the streamline shroud. The later GS engines had 80 inch drivers which came right up to the shroud. Yours is a fine portrait.

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