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Nostalgia & History > Backdoor Trophy

Date: 08/16/06 09:29
Backdoor Trophy
Author: MacBeau

My encounter with the Amtrak crew member from hell has been previously touched on, (http://www.trainorders.com/images2/view.php?13722) so I will forgo a reiteration of all my intermittent skirmishes with that rule-conscious, cerebral arthritic and post one the trophies I garnered despite his harassment. While moving forward in an attempt to thwart my shooting from open Dutch doors, he had left the rear door unlocked. I was alone and untouched when the titanium shutter recorded that famous Southern Pacific Landmark on the Coast Route—Gaviota. As any small boy worth his salt will tell you, life is taken one victory at a time, a fact I contemplated with great delight as I reloaded both bodies in the safety of my bedroom and planned for Oxnard.
Be of Good Cheer,

Date: 08/16/06 15:33
Re: Backdoor Trophy
Author: NscaleMike

Great image Mac...! I have never seen that bridge from that perspective...Wow! =)

Date: 08/16/06 16:07
Re: Backdoor Trophy
Author: BulletBob

Yep, just as the original surveyor imagined it. The bridge makes total sense. Wonderful shot. Thanks for posting it. I am sure there are many other locations in that same situation with regards to the angle of the shot.

Date: 08/16/06 17:37
Re: Backdoor Trophy
Author: graybeard1942

As my son might say, Awesome, Dude! Now, if only there would have been a speeder parked there on the pad.

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