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Nostalgia & History > A Vintage California Steam Excursion Whereizit

Date: 12/29/06 03:51
A Vintage California Steam Excursion Whereizit
Author: RWS4449

This photo was included in some vintage California Railroad steam locomotive photos. There was no information on the print.

Does anyone have any information on the location and the excursion? Motive power?

Date: 12/29/06 08:09
Re: A Vintage California Steam Excursion Whereizit
Author: DaveL

First, a caveat.....I NEVER get these things right....Grin!!!

For whatever reason I'll say WP #97 at Oroville, CA. in the '40s.

There, now the nit-pickers have a little something to work with......hehehehehe.

DaveL.....Master of the Wild Guess.

Date: 12/29/06 09:38
Re: A Vintage California Steam Excursion Whereizit
Author: Pullman

94, please...

Date: 12/29/06 11:37
Re: A Vintage California Steam Excursion Whereizit
Author: Edwardjb

I was aware that the #94 was the last steam on the WP, I rode behind it, but what made it so special?


Date: 12/29/06 11:48
Re: A Vintage California Steam Excursion Whereizit
Author: up421

As I recall the 94 pulled the first WP passenger train into Oakland, CA.


Edwardjb Wrote:
> I was aware that the #94 was the last steam on the
> WP, I rode behind it, but what made it so
> special?
> Ed

Date: 12/30/06 06:43
Re: A Vintage California Steam Excursion Whereizit
Author: RWS4449

Thank you all for the information. I will re-post this photo next week with a large group of vintage Western Pacific steam and diesel photos.

Happy New Year,


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