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Nostalgia & History > Roundhouses

Date: 06/01/07 12:07
Author: Frisco1522

All right guys, here's the assignment. Go to the files and start posting roundhouse photos, preferably in use and in steam. No steam here, but it looks like they pulled out the day before. This is Venice, IL (across from St. Louis) on the GM&O before the ICG. Kinda ramshackle, but neat. In the future, I'll go to the files and start posting more in steam. I'm sick of dizmal pictures.
Second one is on the IC at Jackson, TN in 1953
Third one is IC at Paducah, KY in 1957.

Date: 06/01/07 16:25
Author: Frisco1522

Now for some of my favorite road.
Frisco at Monett, MO in 1948
Frisco at Ft. Smith, AR in 1945 under construction.
Frisco at Lindenwood (St. Louis, MO) in 1938.

Date: 06/01/07 16:27
Author: Frisco1522

Last for now, but not least is the Frisco roundhouse at Enid, OK in 1940, home to myriad 2-8-0s, 4-6-0s,4-4-0s and 2-10-0s. Nice lazy Sunday afternoon scene with all kinds of snoozing smaller power.
Now it's your turn.

Date: 06/01/07 18:12
Re: Roundhouses
Author: tomstp

I was looking at the 4026 and its doghouse seems to be offset to the right. Is this correct or am I drunk??

Date: 06/01/07 18:18
Re: Roundhouses
Author: yardclerk

Here is an aerial photo of the Rock Island's roundhouse at El Reno Okla. in 1945. This was a Standard Oil Co. PR photo so I have been told.


Date: 06/01/07 18:22
Re: Roundhouses
Author: Frisco1522

I think it's just the angle of the photo and the fact that the roundhouse door is blocking part of the tender side that makes it look off center. They were all centered up on the water deck and nestled up against the back of the coal bunker.

Date: 06/01/07 20:40
Re: Roundhouses
Author: xtra1188w

Frisco, Sherman Texas. My Uncle Erritt was a hogger on the Frisco out of Sherman from the early 20th century until the mid 1950's.


Date: 06/02/07 15:47
Re: Roundhouses
Author: mdo

1. Pine Bluff Shops

2. Ennis Roundhouse

3. Eugene Roundhouse

Date: 06/02/07 18:30
Re: Roundhouses
Author: SP6190

mdo Wrote:
> 1. Pine Bluff Shops
> 2. Ennis Roundhouse
> 3. Eugene Roundhouse

Love those Cotton Belt FT's in shot #1.

Date: 06/03/07 15:06
Re: Roundhouses
Author: mwbridgwater

Interesting how the Pine Bluff stalls apparently were lengthened at the FRONT, or turntable side (Or is that part of the original structure?).


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