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Nostalgia & History > Hobo Times

Date: 03/25/08 10:40
Hobo Times
Author: Auburnrail

Ran across a magazine published in 1995 called "Hobo Times." Appeared to be well done and claimed a reasonable readership. As you might guess it was about (illegal) riding on freight trains but brought up in a matter-of-fact updated format. To its credit it had a large disclaimer about not doing this in the first place, however it also had a strange mix of nostalgia (obviously riding freight trains was looked at differently some 60 or so years ago) and pragmatism about folks who might still be doing this in that elusive search for personal freedom(?)

Hobo life as described by the various old timers and folks who did this on a lark or dare doesn't sound too great even according to the well written "been there" articles ....sounds more like a biography of the homeless.

Anybody else ever read this magazine while it existed...ceased publication some years ago upon the death of the editor (Buzz Potter or Bobb Hopkins I believe) and have any comments on it?



Date: 03/25/08 12:31
Hobo Grocery at Fresno, California
Author: Westbound

Never heard of that publication. Here's an interesting 1971 newspaper clip concerning a Fresno, CA store by the SP tracks.
Anyone know if the store is still there? It confirms my recent railroad experience that the majority of freight train riders were not the traditional hobos of old. Most had criminal histories and outstanding arrest warrants.

Date: 03/25/08 19:31
Re: Hobo Times
Author: BCHellman

Yes, I remember the publication and picked up a few for which I still have lying somewhere amongst the squaller of my house. It was entertaining and generally well written.

Riding the rails has been a part of the American and railroad culture until very recently, where now you don't seem to find anyone riding. In fact I can't recall the last time I've seen a rider. Whether it was for joy or out of necessity, they suddenly disappeared, and I don't think it's because they all bought cars. Never had a problem with it as long as they respected the property.

Date: 03/25/08 20:41
Re: Hobo Times
Author: delrio

There was, or is, a web site for riding the trains as a hobo. Checked my newer computer favorite sites and cannot find the link. There was advice on where to hop and where not to hop freights in different areas with an explanation as to why.


Date: 03/25/08 21:36
Re: Hobo Times
Author: bnsfbob

Hobo Times was a great little rag. Even some hobby shops had it on the rack. I forget whether it ceased publication due to the death of Buzz Potter or reduced readership after Internet sources became available. Speaking of the Internet, there were once many cool hobo (and anti-hobo) sites but most have been deactivated due to post 9/11 hysteria and pressure from railroads and law enforcement.


Date: 03/25/08 22:01
Re: Hobo Times
Author: DynamicBrake

Hobo Times was indeed a good read. Bought several copies and still have them. The content varied from what freight yards were considered "hot" to the hobo convention in Britt, Iowa.

Kent in Carmel Valley

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