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Nostalgia & History > opportunity

Date: 09/15/08 14:35
Author: FT

This could be the only time such a meeting occurred. A BN U 28-C 5677 and SP 7033, Though they both
came out of Erie, their paths should have kept them apart. The 7033 was a U-25 B, but fate and the
SP caused it to be rebuilt with Sulzer power. And where did I catch these on adjoining tracks?
That would be Albina Yard, a UP yard in Portland,OR. The four SP Sulzers weren't often off SP rails.
I had never seen a BN U 28- C at Albina. At that time I could shoot around the UP if I was low key,
but not now.

Keith A

Date: 09/15/08 20:04
Re: opportunity
Author: Steamjocky

Why are the trucks different on the BN U28C than the trucks that were on the U28C of the SP?


Date: 09/15/08 20:29
Re: opportunity
Author: wlankenau

Steamjocky Wrote:
> Why are the trucks different on the BN U28C than
> the trucks that were on the U28C of the SP?

Early U28's (B and C) were basically souped-up U25's and used the same carbody and trucks.

Date: 09/18/08 16:25
Re: opportunity
Author: Steamjocky

I assume you mean on the BN?


Date: 09/18/08 17:48
Re: opportunity
Author: FT


Not sure what you mean by your question.

In looking a my collection of U-28 C's by railroad:
CB&Q L&N NP PRR all seem to be the thicker looking frame truck,

UP and SP all came with the Adirondack style. As well as the U28-CG 's of Santa Fe.

Keith A

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