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Nostalgia & History > Then and now: Menasha Wisconsin C&NW Long Bridge

Date: 10/19/09 17:30
Then and now: Menasha Wisconsin C&NW Long Bridge
Author: CNW

The Chicago & North Western’s Valley Subdivision crossed Little Lake Butte des Moritz (pronounced butte-a-more) at MP 208.5 on a long low level bridge. Locally, the bridge was known and the “Mile Bridge”, although it was only about one quarter-mile long. The line was sold to the newly formed Fox River Valley Railroad in December of 1988. The first photo shows a dog’s breakfast lash-up pulling a Green Bay bound FRVR freight over the Long Bridge at the track speed of 10 MPH. The FRVR was later acquired by Wisconsin Central, and traffic was routed over the WC’s former Soo Line main track through Neenah and the track was abandoned. The second photo, taken in September of 2005, shows the bridge in it’s current state after it was converted to a trail.


Date: 10/20/09 11:14
Re: Then and now: Menasha Wisconsin C&NW Long Bridge
Author: SPGP9

Rail to trail, a great concept. We have a few here that would be neat, but not like thi one. Thanks for the post.

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