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Date: 03/10/11 07:28
SP visitor
Author: SP2778

Top: SCL 1851-3215-1855-SP dynamomitor car-SP 6591 Ordway in San Timoteo Cyn. Nov. 18, 1977.
Bottom: At West Colton Nov. 19, 1977.

Date: 03/10/11 08:16
Re: SP visitor
Author: upbuddyboy

Wasn't this the set that came to Oregon too?

Date: 03/10/11 09:54
Re: SP visitor
Author: spjim

Hiland, CA, Nov. 25, 1977. The Seaboard Coast Line U-36Bs, spliced by a "More Axles for Tractive Effort" (MATE) road slug, had been the rear end helpers on a westbound freight from West Colton. SCL 1851, 3215 and 1855 tested on the SP for about two months in late 1977 and early 1978.

Jim Lancaster

Date: 03/10/11 14:05
Re: SP visitor
Author: ATSF100WEST

Another setting...... MANY got this shot; one got it on the cover of the Dec. '77 CTC Board. Train was the 2nd-515.



Date: 03/10/11 14:20
Re: SP visitor
Author: spjim

ATSF100WEST Wrote:
> Another setting...... MANY got this shot; one got
> it on the cover of the Dec. '77 CTC Board.

One of my photos was on page 26 of the November, 1977 Pacific News. Other photos are here:


Date: 03/10/11 14:28
Re: SP visitor
Author: P5r24

I was up there that day.

I got some great cassett recordings of that Leslie S5TRRO
at Devore and Blue cut in the S.P.



Date: 03/10/11 18:35
Re: SP visitor
Author: WAF

Yes, they toured the SP west on main lines, branches, helper service

Date: 03/13/11 03:23
Re: SP visitor
Author: steamfuhrer

Great shots of the Dynamometer car! Haven't seen many of it out on the road.

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