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Nostalgia & History > Cove, PA 1980

Date: 04/17/11 12:13
Cove, PA 1980
Author: m1bprr

Foaming at Cove, PA on Conrail in 1980.
Ed K. cp Laurel Run

Date: 04/17/11 16:48
Re: Cove, PA 1980
Author: TrackOne

Are The Good Times Really Over By Merle Haggart

I wish a buck was still silver and it was back when the country was strong.
Back before Elvis and before the Vietnam war came along.
Before the Beatles and yesterday when a man could still work and still would.
Is the best of the free life behind us now and are the good times really over for good ?

Are we rollin' downhill like a snowball headed for hell?
With no kind of chance for the flag or the liberty bell?
I wish a Ford or a Chevy would still last ten years like they should.
Is the best of the free life behind us now and are the good times really over for good?

Thank you for the railfanning memories !!

Date: 04/17/11 23:06
Re: Cove, PA 1980
Author: AndyBrown

Ed, your old photos really make me smile; keep 'em coming!


Date: 04/18/11 05:11
Re: Cove, PA 1980
Author: m1bprr

AndyBrown Wrote:
> Ed, your old photos really make me smile; keep 'em
> coming!
> Andy

A lot of good wholesome railfan fun in my lifetime!
Ed K. cp Laurel Run

Date: 04/18/11 05:14
Re: Cove, PA 1980
Author: m1bprr

Still at it in 2011!
Ed K.

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