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Nostalgia & History > A view from the dome

Date: 03/26/12 17:22
A view from the dome
Author: RplusLJetService

Another instamatic slide. This one form my grandfather of the CZ back in 1966. Looks like Altamont Pass.


Date: 03/26/12 18:27
Re: A view from the dome
Author: rattenne

It is indeed Altamont Pass. It looks like this is the eastbound Zephyr, Train 18, heading up through the narrow canyon on the west side of the pass.

Date: 03/26/12 19:08
Re: A view from the dome
Author: rob_l

At the upper right is the right of way for US Highway 50, before Interstate 580 was constructed. On the other side of the pass, the entire four-lane US 50 fit under the WP arch bridge.

Best regards,

Rob L.

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