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Nostalgia & History > PA's in Mexico

Date: 09/14/14 18:56
PA's in Mexico
Author: Mudrock

Here are two PA's I shot down in Mexico years ago.


Date: 09/14/14 20:05
Re: PA's in Mexico
Author: W3

They look good in fresh paint.

Thanks for posting.

Date: 09/15/14 08:38
Re: PA's in Mexico
Author: HotWater

Mudrock Wrote:
> Here are two PA's I shot down in Mexico years
> ago.
> Chris

What did you use to shoot them down with? Maybe a an 8 gauge shotgun?

Date: 09/15/14 09:43
Re: PA's in Mexico
Author: wabash2800

You like that scheme?

W3 Wrote:
> They look good in fresh paint.
> Thanks for posting.

Date: 09/15/14 12:21
Re: PA's in Mexico
Author: filmteknik

They sure ran those better-than-new PA4's into the ground quickly.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 09/15/14 13:30
Re: PA's in Mexico
Author: Mudrock

Both of these PAs are in museums in Mexico.


Date: 09/15/14 14:32
Re: PA's in Mexico
Author: davew833

They're both in the same museum in Puebla, MX., actually. The top one, #19, is now in a "retro" N de M black and orange paint scheme that it never wore in service, and #17 is in a pseudo- SP "Daylight" paint scheme. #17 is reputed to be operational and apparently makes short jaunts around the museum grounds.

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